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MISSION STATEMENTMISSION STATEMENT  Who we are? We develop programs leveraging on technology.  Why are we doing this? We hope to promote and showcase.

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Presentation on theme: "MISSION STATEMENTMISSION STATEMENT  Who we are? We develop programs leveraging on technology.  Why are we doing this? We hope to promote and showcase."— Presentation transcript:


2 MISSION STATEMENTMISSION STATEMENT  Who we are? We develop programs leveraging on technology.  Why are we doing this? We hope to promote and showcase our products that members of the public will acknowledge.

3 Objectives  In order to improve the lifestyles of the society through computerized programs

4 Personality  We are carefree, accomplished, genuine

5 Products/Services  Marketing services

6 Target audienceTarget audience  Members of the public

7 Unique selling pointUnique selling point  We visualize clearly

8 Usability of logo and visuals  Eye visual  Eye vision



11 IDEA 01IDEA 01  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Users will be able to read books at the cheapest price through online registration and read them through gadget like phone or website. E - BOOK

12 IDEA 01IDEA 01  HIGH CONCEPT: Register user able to read any book on their phone which they upload into their apps.  TARGET AUDIENCE: Anyone.  GENRE: Books E - BOOK

13 IDEA 01IDEA 01  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: user wish to sell their old book online.  USER EXPERIENCE: user able to upload their book from their smart phone or tablet E - BOOK

14 IDEA 01IDEA 01  PLATFORM: IOS, window, andriod, desktop, tablet.  REVENUE MODEL: publicity. E - BOOK

15 IDEA 02IDEA 02  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To let students showcase their work to others, not only in Ngee Ann Polytechnic but also to let secondary students have a clearer picture of what the ICT courses do. ICT. iFolio

16 IDEA 02IDEA 02  HIGH CONCEPT: students can share their work with others by using apps and website.  TARGET AUDIENCE: Students and Lecturers, Secondary graduate students and public  GENRE: Education ICT. iFolio

17 IDEA 02IDEA 02  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: Is Free.  USER EXPERIENCE: student able to read their feedback on their work if they wish to improve it. ICT. iFolio

18 IDEA 02IDEA 02  PLATFORM: android, IOS, tablet, website.  REVENUE MODEL: within the school campus. ICT. iFolio

19 IDEA 03IDEA 03  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Let user write down notes for their daily tasks. (But it depends on which categories they used), and helps to remind user’s task according to the alarm they set on their smartphone. note taker

20 IDEA 02IDEA 02  HIGH CONCEPT: using smart phone ulitites to write down notes and able to remind them punctually.  TARGET AUDIENCE: Students and Lecturers, Secondary graduate students and public  GENRE: Task manager note taker

21 IDEA 03IDEA 03  CATEGORIES: - Project / Assignment - Holiday Destination (Record time for next destination) - Flight (Time for boarding, gate no. and other information) - Recipes (Include food ingredients, steps etc. ) - Shoppers (Remind them on the item to buy) - Delivery (Check their next destination and information making sure is on time) note taker

22 IDEA 03IDEA 03  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: Some catgerories require payment like Delivery.  USER EXPERIENCE: User make use of their phone utlities to remind them to complete their task on time. note taker

23 IDEA 03IDEA 03  PLATFORM: ISO, android, tablet  REVENUE MODEL: Publicity. note taker

24 IDEA 04IDEA 04  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: It will show and describe the kidney disease through flash game where they will show a person’s human systems and by clicking on the affected areas, and telling them more about the disease and how we can prevent them. Flash Game

25 IDEA 04IDEA 04  HIGH CONCEPT: To let the students see what is happening in our body when we have kidney disease  TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary/Secondary students  GENRE: Educational Flash Game

26 IDEA 04IDEA 04  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: Experience and see for yourself what is happening in a person with kidney disease  USER EXPERIENCE: This program allow you to hover around the different body parts, then they will become highlighted and when you click on them, they describe to you what is going on here in the affected organ Flash Game

27 IDEA 04IDEA 04  PLATFORM: Javascript, Adobe Dreamweaver  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, youtube, telvision advertisement Flash Game

28 IDEA 05IDEA 05  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: There will be set of questions and player have to choose the correct answer, after which they make their choices, there will be an animation showing what is going on and tell them what is the answer QUIZ

29 IDEA 05IDEA 05  HIGH CONCEPT: To give students extra knowledge on the different body parts.  TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary/ Secondary students  GENRE: Educational QUIZ

30 IDEA 05IDEA 05  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: Learning not only about your kidney but also other body parts  USER EXPERIENCE: There will be a question and a few options for you to click, if you clicked on the wrong answer, a text will appear, if you clicked on the right answer a different text will appear and you can click next for the next question. QUIZ

31 IDEA 05IDEA 05  PLATFORM: Javascript, Adobe Dreamweaver  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, youtube, telvision advertisement QUIZ

32 IDEA 06IDEA 06  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To let people understand what type of foods is suitable that help against kidney disease, and how they are important. It will be shown through a role-play flash on a kid’s grandma is having kidney disease, and the kid will have to prepare. Role- playing

33 IDEA 06IDEA 06  HIGH CONCEPT: To let students know what kind of food should should be taken when one is having kidney disease  TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary/Secondary students  GENRE: Educational Role- playing

34 IDEA 06IDEA 06  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: Imagine what you can do if your loved one is having kidney disease  USER EXPERIENCE: You can click around the kitchen’s food and drinks, if you clicked on the food that contribute to kidney disease, a text will appear that the item you choose is invalid and would have to click on other items. Role- playing

35 IDEA 06IDEA 06  PLATFORM: Javascript, Adobe Dreamweaver  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, youtube, telvision advertisement Role- playing

36 IDEA 07IDEA 07  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Educate about what kidney is and how to prevent and what cause them.  A question about the kidney will be issued to the player and he can find the right answer by searching the correct word in the puzzle, then if the player choose the wrong answer, the question will provide some hint. Puzzle

37 IDEA 07IDEA 07  HIGH CONCEPT: To educate students about the kidney and prevention  TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary/Secondary students  GENRE: Educational Puzzle

38 IDEA 07IDEA 07  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: To test yourself on how much you know about your kidney  USER EXPERIENCE: By clicking and dragging to the full word, the program will make a noise to notify you on whether you made the right answer and a text will appear telling you what is going on Puzzle

39 IDEA 07IDEA 07  PLATFORM: Javascript, Adobe Dreamweaver  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, youtube, telvision advertisement Puzzle

40 IDEA 08IDEA 08  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To educate public and give them a better ideas and tips on what to eat for kidney diseases.  It is something like a E-BOOK with the different recipes on what food to take note for kidney diet recipes DIET RECIPES

41 IDEA 08IDEA 08  HIGH CONCEPT: Cook with ease and care  TARGET AUDIENCE: Public especially for those who have kidney disease  GENRE: Educational DIET RECIPES

42 IDEA 08IDEA 08  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: There are a lot of recipes online but rarely there are people doing especially on kidney diseases.  USER EXPERIENCE: It is interactive by clicking on the different buttons which lead to the different recipes, people are able to comment on it as well. DIET RECIPES

43 IDEA 08IDEA 08  PLATFORM: Mobile/Ipad platform (IOS)  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, instagram, flyers and posters. DIET RECIPES

44 IDEA 09IDEA 09  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To allow public to calculate their risk on the different diseases.  There will be different buttons on different diseases and users have to fill in information and click “OK” to calculate and they will show them if they are in risk of particular disease Risk Calculator

45 IDEA 09IDEA 09  HIGH CONCEPT: Calculate Risk of Diseases  TARGET AUDIENCE: Public  GENRE: Risk Calculator

46 IDEA 09IDEA 09  COMPETITVE ANALYIS:  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: There are very little app on that unless we have to go to medical check up hence if it will benefit more people  USER EXPERIENCE: It is interactive by clicking on the different buttons which lead to the different illnesses and calculate the risk by filling needed information Risk Calculator

47 IDEA 09IDEA 09  PLATFORM: Mobile Platform  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, instagram, flyers and posters. Risk Calculator

48 IDEA 10IDEA 10  GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To allow public to read on the knowledge of kidney, how it affects our life, how we can avoid, and how to prevent.  There will be different videos, quiz games, and reading materials in it to create a more interactive. Kidney Disease E-BOOK

49 IDEA 10IDEA 10  HIGH CONCEPT: Read to gain more knowledge of Kidney Disease  TARGET AUDIENCE: Public  GENRE: Educational Kidney Disease E-BOOK

50 IDEA 10IDEA 10  UNIQUE SELLING POINT: Apps separating all the things into different app, but decide to combine them together so people can be more comprehensive to it.  USER EXPERIENCE: It is interactive by clicking on the different buttons which lead to the different illnesses and calculate the risk by filling needed information Kidney Disease E-BOOK

51 IDEA 10IDEA 10  PLATFORM: Mobile Platform, Ipad  REVENUE MODEL: Through Facebook, instagram, flyers and posters. Kidney Disease E-BOOK

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