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Introduction to Anne Frank

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1 Introduction to Anne Frank

2 Facts about Anne Frank Born June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany


4 Facts about Anne Frank Otto Frank, her father Edith Frank, her mother
Margot Frank, her sister Miep Gies, worked for Anne’s father and helped them while they were in hiding Anne received a diary from her father on her 13th birthday

5 Facts about Anne Frank Spent most of her life in or near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands (moved there in 1933) Went into hiding in an annex (above her father’s office) in 1942 Annex – an addition that extends a main building (extra room or area)


7 Facts about Anne Frank Shortly after the Franks went into hiding, they were joined by: van Pels family (3 people). A few months later, dentist Fritz Pfeffer joined the group. 8 people lived in the annex for almost two years. August 4, 1944, the Franks were discovered and arrested.

8 Westerbork, a transit camp
Auschwitz, a concentration camp Bergen-Belsen, a concentration camp

9 2nd stop, Auschwitz 3rd stop, Bergen-Belsen 1st Stop, Westerbork

10 Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen seven months after her arrest.
Typhus – a disease transmitted by body lice and causes high fever


12 Sources:

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