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Week 5 Bell Ringers. 1. Intense heat and pressure in Earth’s crust can change sandstone into quartzite. During this metamorphosis, many properties of.

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1 Week 5 Bell Ringers

2 1. Intense heat and pressure in Earth’s crust can change sandstone into quartzite. During this metamorphosis, many properties of these rocks change. Which property of these rocks will most likely remain the same? a. Mass b. Volume c. Crystal structure d. Particle shape

3 2. Students studying rocks notice that in a particular location there are many igneous rocks that are very similar. This observation best supports which statement? a.A nearby volcano is tall. b.A nearby volcano is inactive. c.A nearby volcano had once been active.

4 3. Soil is a mixture of what 4 materials? a.Granite, limestone, nitrogen and air b.Plant roots, iron oxides, water, and air c.Rock particles, plant roots, humus, and nitrogen d.Rock particles, humus, water, and air

5 4. What is the main component of soil? a.Humus, b.Water c.Air d.Rock particles

6 5. What most likely caused the change in the appearance of the Great Sphinx in Egypt? a.Mechanical weathering b.Chemical weathering c.Both mechanical and chemical weathering d.Erosion by water

7 6. The development of soil begins when a.Once-living things begin to decay. b.Rocks begin to erode c.Rock begins to weather d.When plants begin to grow.

8 7. Which of the following contains organic material? a.Unweathered rock b.Grass c.Water d.Air

9 8. What process is MAINLY responsible for producing minerals and nutrients in very young soil? a.Decay of plants and animals b.Production of acids by bacteria and fungi c.Growth of plants d.weathering

10 9. You find a rock and discover it is granite. What can you conclude about where the rock came from? a.It came from the bottom layer of Earth's crust. b.It came from the top layer of Earth’s crust c.It came from the Earth’s mantle d.It came from the Earth’s inner core.

11 10. Which layer contains the most fertile soil? a.Topsoil b.Subsoil c.Weathered rock d.bedrock

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