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The Emerging Church Rising from fallen foundations.

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Presentation on theme: "The Emerging Church Rising from fallen foundations."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Emerging Church Rising from fallen foundations

2 The Emerging Church Presented at: Presbytery of East Iowa RTA Leadership Summit October 20 th, 2007 Jim Bonewald

3 Emerging from What? Evangelicalism Liberalism Protestant Exclusivism

4 Emerging from What? Foundationalism & Rationalism Hierarchalism Pride of place in society

5 Emerging Voices Rob Bell Brian McClaren Tony Jones Diana Butler- Bass Donald Miller Doug Pagitt Phyllis Tickle Marcus Borg

6 The Emerging Church One definition: Emerging churches are communities that practice the way of Jesus within postmodern cultures. (Bolger/Gibbs)

7 Postmodern Questions The certainty of knowledge The objectivity of knowledge The inherent goodness of knowledge

8 How (not) to Speak of God Postmodern Christians don’t deny the existence of truth, they just seek to hold that truth differently. “Truth is God and having knowledge of the Truth is evidenced not in a doctrinal system, but in allowing the truth to be incarnated in one’s life.” –Pete Rollins

9 Emergent Churches: 1.) have a significant interest in "community," communal living, and renewed monastic practices* * This list is by Mark Scandrette from a chapter in Emergent Manifesto of Hope.


11 The Jesus Dojo In Japanese, a dojo is literally, "a place where you learn the way.” The setting where you learn to follow Jesus should be more like a karate studio than a college lecture hall.

12 Emergent Churches: 2.) have an open-source approach to community, theology, and leadership that encourages flatter structures, networks, and more personal and collective participation.

13 Solomon’s Porch

14 Emergent Churches: 3.) have a revitalized interest in the social dimensions of the gospel of Jesus, including community development, earth-keeping, global justice, and advocacy–with a particular emphasis on a relationally engaged approach to these issues

15 Hope for the World

16 Emergent Churches: 4.) have a renewed interest in contemplative and bodily spiritual formation disciplines that have, historically, been important Christian practices

17 Emergent Churches: 5.) have a renewed emphasis on creation theology that celebrates earth, humanity, cultures, and the sensuous and aesthetic as good gifts of the Creator to be enjoyed in their proper contexts

18 Emergent Churches: 6.) cultivate and have an appreciation of the arts, creativity, artful living, and provocative storytelling

19 Wicker Park Grace

20 Emergent Churches: 7.) re-examine and rethink vocation, livelihood, and sustainable economics

21 What about us? What are the implications of all this for Presbyterians? – –Christianity for the Rest of Us –Tribal Church

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