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CAUSE AND EFFECT Show why things happen and their consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "CAUSE AND EFFECT Show why things happen and their consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAUSE AND EFFECT Show why things happen and their consequences

2 CAUSE AND EFFECT Cause: What happened first? or Why it is happening? A “Cause” is what makes something happen. To find the cause, ask yourself, “What happened first?. The tower is leaning because the building was located over soft sandy soils.

3 CAUSE AND EFFECT Effect: What happened second? or What is happening? An “Effect” is what happens. To find the effect, ask yourself, “What happened second”?. The tower is leaning because the building was located over soft sandy soils.

4 CAUSE AND EFFECT Signal words help identify the parts of a cause/effect relationship. The most common are: because, consequently, therefore, if…then, as a result of… Many people like to visit this Italian attraction. Some tourists pretend to push over the Leaning Tower of Pisa, consequently making their friends and us laugh.

5 CAUSE AND EFFECT My basement is full of water because my roof has a big hole. The truck brought the roofing materials therefore I got my tools and ladder. The truck driver drove in a ditch as a result ofslippery road conditions and bad brakes. Consequently,I had to call a tow truck and I had to wait for it to arrive.


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