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WHO said WHAT and WHEN? Revision (1): Functionalism.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO said WHAT and WHEN? Revision (1): Functionalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO said WHAT and WHEN? Revision (1): Functionalism

2 Functionalism & Education EDUCATION HAS 3 MAIN FUNCTIONS THAT HELP SOCIETY. 1. Teaches skills needed for work. 2. Sifts and sorts (the allocation function). 3. Passes on core values (secondary agent of socialisation).

3 Functionalism & Education WHO WHAT WHEN Durkheim Passes on norms and values …1858 – 1917… Integrates individuals into society Creates social order by encouraging a values consensus

4 Functionalism & Education WHO WHAT WHEN Parsons Bridges the gap… 1950’s… Selects… Meritocratic… Agrees with Durkheim…

5 Functionalism & Education WHO WHAT WHEN Davis and Moore Society sorts people… 1945 Rules for how education does this… Principles of stratification… Unequal system of reward…

6 Functionalism & Education The functionalist perspective suggests that education is meritocratic. A MERITOCRACY IS WHEN SOCIAL REWARDS ARE ALLOCATED BY TALENT AND EFFORT (STATUS IS ACHIEVED).

7 Functionalism & Education Is education really meritocratic? Think about patterns of differential achievement in terms of class, ethnicity and gender….

8 Functionalism & Education Does the allocation function work? Think about the significance of ‘who you know rather than what you know’…

9 Functionalism & Education Does education really prepare people for work? Think about the skills shortages in society – e.g. engineering…

10 Functionalism & Education Is education successful in creating social order? Think about disruptive students, acts of vandalism and violence…

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