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The Success of Consumer Run Services In Supporting Recovery Results of a Consumer Satisfaction Survey WI-MHBG Funded Consumer Run Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Success of Consumer Run Services In Supporting Recovery Results of a Consumer Satisfaction Survey WI-MHBG Funded Consumer Run Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Success of Consumer Run Services In Supporting Recovery Results of a Consumer Satisfaction Survey WI-MHBG Funded Consumer Run Services

2 Consumer Run Services in WI Wisconsin currently funds 12 consumer- run organizations through the Mental Health Block Grant. This is a relatively small cost to the state ($223,000 per year). With those funds, consumer-run organizations:

3 Served 1766 consumers Served 1766 consumers Provided 17,986 hours of service Provided 17,986 hours of service With 310 volunteers working 18,190 hours With 310 volunteers working 18,190 hours Received 9603 calls from people who received Peer Support over the phone Received 9603 calls from people who received Peer Support over the phone For a Total of Only $223,000 Consumer Run Services:

4 Consumer Satisfaction Survey Every year all 12 Consumer Run Organizations elicit information from their members and volunteers Following are the aggregated results from that survey for 2009

5 Before I began going to the CRS, I felt isolated and alone.

6 Since I have begun going to CRS my circle of friends has gotten bigger.

7 Before going to the CRS, I went to the hospital for mental health reasons

8 Since I have begun going to the CRS, I have been in the hospital for mental health reasons

9 The CRS helps me improve my coping skills

10 The CRS helps me to improve my self esteem

11 The CRS helps me to deal with problems and crisis better

12 The CRS helps me to have hope in my life

13 The CRS helps me to make and keep friends

14 The CRS helps me be more involved and comfortable in my community

15 The CRS helps me reduce my negative use of drugs and/or alcohol

16 The CRS helps me to recover

17 Before I started going to the CRS, I relied on mental health professionals

18 Since I have begun going to the CRS, I rely on mental health professionals

19 Before I started going to the CRS, I was in trouble with the law

20 Since I have begun going to the CRS, I have been in trouble with the law

21 Support groups offered by the CRS help me

22 Activities offered by the CRS help me

23 Since I have been involved with the CRS, I am more aware of my rights

24 The CRS has helped me learn how to speak up/stand up for myself with my friends

25 The CRS has helped me learn how to speak up/stand up for myself with my family

26 The CRS has helped me learn how to speak up/stand up for myself with professionals

27 The CRS has helped me learn how to speak up/stand up for myself with others

28 Speaking for myself the CRS is welcoming and supportive to people of all diverse backgrounds

29 I have been coming to the CRS for

30 Gender

31 Racial Diversity

32 Age

33 Income

34 What Can You Do to Support the Work of Consumer Run Services? Raise Base Funding to $25,000 for each Consumer Run Organization Raise Base Funding to $25,000 for each Consumer Run Organization Increase the MHBG Funding to Allow for More Consumer Run Services Available in WI Increase the MHBG Funding to Allow for More Consumer Run Services Available in WI

35 Number In Household

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