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Wind Ashfield Direct Learning Kelly Tideswellt Ks4 Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Wind Ashfield Direct Learning Kelly Tideswellt Ks4 Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind Ashfield Direct Learning Kelly Tideswellt Ks4 Energy

2 Wind energy  Wind is a renewable energy resource.  This is a source of energy which will not run out.  The sun creates the wind which turns the turbine to then create electricity

3 Wind turbines  The force of the wind turns the blades of a wind turbine which in turn causes a generator to spin and produce electricity.  The larger the surface area of the blades the more energy produced Blades Wind turbine Wind

4 Advantages Disadvantages  Wind turbines don’t require any fuel and need little maintenance.  They don’t produce any pollutant gases.  Once they are built they give ‘free’ energy when the wind is blowing.  You need lots of them usually on hills and coastal areas and this can look a bit ugly. Also noise can be a problem.  Electricity output depends entirely on the strength of the wind.

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