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9.00 – 9.10:Introduction to Day 3 9.10 – 10.10:4 presentations: partnership challenges… 10.10 – 10.25:coffee break 10.25 – 11.30:Summary C.O. 12 month.

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Presentation on theme: "9.00 – 9.10:Introduction to Day 3 9.10 – 10.10:4 presentations: partnership challenges… 10.10 – 10.25:coffee break 10.25 – 11.30:Summary C.O. 12 month."— Presentation transcript:


2 9.00 – 9.10:Introduction to Day 3 9.10 – 10.10:4 presentations: partnership challenges… 10.10 – 10.25:coffee break 10.25 – 11.30:Summary C.O. 12 month action plans 11.30 – 13.00:Action plan for Community of Practice 13.00 – 13.15:Participant feedback 13.15 – 13.30:Conclusion of workshop 13.30:end of workshop and lunch Day 3 - agenda AGENDAAGENDA

3 Partnership Challenges Break-out group presentations:  What you consider to be the key challenges in developing business partnerships for development  Methods/ tactics to overcome these challenges, and  Further information and support needed to overcome challenges CHALLENGESCHALLENGES

4 C.O. summary 12 month action plans Expectations: Today: - Type up draft summary 12 month action plan (into template). By end Nov: - Have discussed with RR - C.O. learning session on private sector partnerships - Quick email feeding back to regional practice how RR/ C.O. meetings went + any edits to summary 12 month C.O. action plan

5 Break-out groups Group 1: - Armenia - BiH - Kosovo - Lithuania - Russia CHALLENGESCHALLENGES Group 2: - Azerbaijan - Bulgaria - Georgia - Serbia and Montenegro Group 4: - Croatia - Kyrgyzstan - Moldova - Poland - Turkey Group 3: - Belarus - Kazakhstan - Latvia - Macedonia - Ukraine

6 Area’s we might consider… Our ‘Community of Practice’ NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O. Coordinating our relationships with businesses External UNDP communication/ coordination Internal RBEC communication/ coordination Assessing development impact Procedures/ internal UNDP processes Delivering joint sub-regional projects Skills development/ training

7 1. Internal RBEC communication  Day-to-day how should C.O., RBEC RBx and BRSP communicate together:  New queries: when contact RBEC? when contact BRSP?  Who within RBEC? Who within BRSP?  Information to be collected/ shared?  What do you find useful? What is not useful?  e.g. RBEC survey/ status update report Should this be done regularly? How frequently?  What are the priority ways for us to keep in touch?  RBEC intranet – what should go on this?  RBEC newsletter? (how frequent?)  ‘RBEC business-net’ email group?  What priorities for Andrew based in New York?  How can he best act as your advocate within RBEC HQ? with BRSP? with other regional Bureaux? With BDP? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

8 2. Skills development/ training  Is an RBEC regional training plan a priority?  If yes, what might an effective, yet realistic, plan look like?  Skills needed to increase UNDP effectiveness?  Training workshops going forward?  What should training courses cover?  Internal or external events?  How frequently? Who to be invited?  What, if any, role for electronic learning?  Should we develop staff exchanges?  If yes, what needs to be done?  Budget available  Prioritizing/ planning missions from BRSP/ RBEC? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

9 3. Joint projects/ joint RM  Is regional/ sub-regional delivery of private sector projects a priority?  If yes, what will encourage greater cross-C.O. cooperation?  A regional/ sub-regional ‘private sector & MDGs’ event has been discussed between Kalman and Bruce Jenks:  Budget available  Possible aim: to articulate business contribution to achieving MDGs Suggestions on what this event might look like? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

10 4. Procedures/ UNDP processes  Does UNDP’s standard MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) need to be developed/ improved?  If yes, how?  Does UNDP’s standard CSA (cost sharing agreement) need to be developed/ improved?  If yes, how? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

11 5. Coordinating relationships with businesses  For multinationals based in several RBEC countries:  Is it a priority to co-ordinate approaches to these firms?  If yes, how might we best co-ordinate?  Do you want RBEC HQ/ BRSP to assist in developing relationships with new businesses?  Approaching multinationals with New York HQs?  See listing of New York HQed multinationals (last tab in file)  Assistance in approaching European multinationals:  Bratislava regional centre? Brussels liaison office? Geneva liaison office? UNDP Nordic?  How best to use current UNDP relationships?  SMT listing of current relationships (2 nd from last tab in file)  All UNDP partnership relationships document (last tab in file)  Is a UNDP ‘Client Relationship Management’ system a priority? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

12 6. External UNDP communication  Priorities for RBEC C.O. coordination and communication with:  Other UN agencies?  The wider international community?  Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)?  What should go on the new RBEC internet site?  Other creative ideas for external communication? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

13 7. Assessing development impact  Business partnership projects are often not about Resource Mobilization  Is it a priority to develop new approaches that recognize the impact of business advocacy/ partnership work?  If yes, how might this be done? NETWORKNETWORK Priorities for building the RBEC C.O.

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