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FrontPage : NNIGN The Last Word: Reading Guide on Sec 4/5 due Friday.

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2 FrontPage : NNIGN The Last Word: Reading Guide on Sec 4/5 due Friday

3 Zimbabwe An African Nation Case Study

4 Objectives: Describe various aspects of the history, people, government and economy of Zimbabwe as a case study of African nations. Describe current issues in Zimbabwe, including hyperinflation and contested elections.

5 Zimbabwe – Geography Landlocked – no direct access to the ocean Mild climate + regular wet/dry seasons = very few droughts

6 The Kariba Dam – used to create hydroelectric power from the Zambezi river

7 Zimbabwe - People Population only about 12 million people 80% are Shona,19% are Ndebele Religion – 50% combined Christian/traditional, about 1/4 th Christian and about 1/4 th traditional

8 Zimbabwe – Political Development Originally was the site of ancient gold-trading kingdom (Great Zimbabwe)

9 Zimbabwe – Political Development British establish colony of Rhodesia in late 1890’s Named after Cecil Rhodes, an English businessman who promoted imperialism Whites take over best land, establish plantations

10 Zimbabwe – Political Development In the 1960’s, Britain begins switch to black majority rule (95%) in Rhodesia Whites objected to this In 1965 issue their own “declaration of independence” UN issues economic sanctions ; minority government stays in power

11 Zimbabwe – Political Development In the 1970’s, black nationalists groups begin a guerrilla war in Rhodesia In over 10 years, 20,000 people were killed In 1980, Rhodesia wins complete independence and black majority rule Changes name to Zimbabwe

12 Robert Mugabe A leader of the independence movement Becomes Zimbabwe’s PM and then President after independence; has been the country’s only ruler since then… Appears democratic (elections, political parties) **Mugabe has recently used more undemocratic actions to stay in power

13 Most recently In March of 2013, 95% of Zimbabweans voted for a constitutional change to limit the president’s power Two terms only, for example New elections in the summer of 2013 Mugabe won, but again there was a great deal of dispute in how the elections were carried out

14 Zimbabwe - Economy Large debt ($16 billion) caused by many factors Includes involvement in war with the Dem. Rep of Congo Unemployment rate - 70 % People below the poverty line – 70 % Land Redistribution – Program begun by Mugabe to give land held by whites to black Zimbabweans Is bringing blacks and whites into conflict in Zimbabwe Inflation – probably the worst in the world, perhaps all of history


16 Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe Caused by the war with the Congo and government mismanagement of the currency Highest point of inflation: Mid-November 2008 = 6.5 Sextillion (10 21 ) % In 2009, Zimbabwe abandoned its currency. As of 2013, Zimbabwe still has no national currency; currencies from other countries are used.

17 Largest Zimbabwean bank note…

18 Zimbabwe – Government Rankings Democracy – 136 th out of 150 nations Political rights – 6 out of 7 (bad) Civil liberties – 6 out of 7 (bad) Press Freedom – 128 th out of 150 Corruption – 138 out of 150 Economic Freedom – 162 nd out of 165 Worse nations are Libya, Cuba, and North Korea **How would you rate Zimbabwe’s government in terms of democracy and development (from A – F?)

19 Questions: What did the people try to change with their constitutional vote? What do some people think happened when the presidential election was held in July?

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