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Exponents Lesson 4-2.

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1 Exponents Lesson 4-2

2 Math Vocabulary exponent: The tiny number [raised to the upper right] of a base number – means the number of times to multiply base number: The regular sized number [listed first] that is multiplied with itself (however many times the exponent lists) power: Made of two parts – a base number AND an exponent

3 Writing with Exponents
Exponents describe “how many” times a base # is written… (-5)(-5)(-5) = -2 • a • b • a • a =

4 Simplifying Exponents
When simplifying… [*follow PEMDAS] 4(3 + 2)² = (-2)² = -2² =

5 Evaluating Exponents When “evaluating” expressions or exponents, we use… SUBSTITUTION - a³ a = 2  - a³ = (-m)³ m = 2  (-m)³= 3(s)² + 6 s = -5  3(s)² + 6

6 Practice Write using exponents (-3)(-3)(-3)(-3) 4 • y • x • y Simplify
2 • • (-3)³ Evaluate -n² n = 4 -2x³+ 4y x = -2, y = 3

7 Homework p #1-11, 23-29, 32, 33, 35, 40

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