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Industrial Revolution. California State Standards  10.3.1- Analyze why England was the first country to industrialize  10.3.2- Examine how scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution. California State Standards  10.3.1- Analyze why England was the first country to industrialize  10.3.2- Examine how scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution

2 California State Standards  10.3.1- Analyze why England was the first country to industrialize  10.3.2- Examine how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural change (e.g., the inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison).

3 Industrial Revolution  Refers to the increased output of machine- made goods that began in England during the mid 1700s.  Transformed almost every aspect of daily life and human society.  Societies went from agricultural societies to industrial societies.  Spread from England to Continental Europe and North America

4 Life Before the Industrial Revolution  People lived off the land.  They used handmade tools.  The best source of power was horses  They made their own clothing  They grew their own food  They lived in simple cottages lit by candles.

5 Life Changes as Industry Spreads  Population Growth  Food Surplus  People lived in cities  They bought food and clothes someone else made.  New inventions made work more efficient.  Steam Power  New modes of communication and transportation

6 Why England? Before After

7 Agricultural Revolution  Enclosures- Wealthy landowners bought up village farmers’ land and enclosed their land with fences or hedges.  Wealthy landowners had larger fields to experiment with more efficient methods of farming.  Results:  Landowners tried new agricultural methods  Forced small farmers to become tenant farmers  Forced small farmers to give up farming and move to the city

8 Agricultural Revolution  Crop Rotation- process that improved crop yield  Practice that rotated through growing different crops  Keep pests away  Replenished the soil  Ex: One year plant wheat, which exhausts nutrients in the soil. Then the next year turnips to restore the nutrients.

9 Farming Methods Improve  Jethro Tull invents the Seed Drill which deposits seeds in a row in the soil.  More efficient farming.  Increased crop production.  Food Surpluses can feed more people.

10 Abundant Natural Resources  England had an extensive amount of natural resources that was necessary for Industrialization.  Water power and coal to fuel the new machines  Iron to construct machines, tools, and buildings  Rivers for inland transportation  Harbors from which merchant ships set sail

11 Political Stability  Despite Britain’s participation in multiple wars, they were never fought on British soil.  Their military success gave the British a positive attitude.  Parliament passes laws to encourage and protect business ventures

12 Factors of Production  Resources needed to produce goods and services that the Industrial Revolution needed  Land- natural resources  Labor- population and urban growth  Capital (wealth)- entrepreneurs

13 Technological Advances in the Textile Industry  Several major inventions modernized the cotton industry. One invention led to another.  Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin  Cleaned cotton of dirt and seeds  Helped separate cotton at a fast rate

14 The Textile Inventions  Huge demand for cotton cloth.  John Kay’s Flying Shuttle (1733)  Helped cotton producers weave cotton into cloth and fabric.

15 Textile Inventions  James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny (1764)  Helped increase the speed of spinning cotton

16 Textile Inventions  Richard Arkwright’s Water Frame (1769)  Spinning machine powered by water.

17 Entrepreneurs  People who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.  Matthew Boulton- paid James Watt a salary to build better engines  This led to James Watt discovering how to make steam engines run faster and more efficiently while using less fuel.

18 Transportation Innovations  As the production of goods increased, business needed faster and cheaper methods of moving goods from one place to another.  Turnpikes- Private roads that charged users a fee.

19 Transportation Innovations  Canals Boom  Factories needed a cheap and fast way of receiving coal and other raw materials and then shipping out these finished products.

20 Canals in Britain 1800 Canals in Britain 1800 6 of 8

21 Transportation Innovations  Steam Locomotives  Growth of Railways  Tracks could go places that the rivers could not.  Ship goods cheaply and quickly over land.

22 The Growth of Railways in Great Britain, 1840 and 1850 The Growth of Railways in Great Britain, 1840 and 1850 7 of 8

23 Closure  What are the factors that led to England industrializing first?  Which ones do you think are the most important? Why?

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