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What do students really know? What can they really do?

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Presentation on theme: "What do students really know? What can they really do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do students really know? What can they really do?

2 Calculate the student’s grade given the scores on your slip of paper. SCORES: B+A- B- CDC+ missing assignment

3 “Traditional grading practices are not valid or fair.”

4  Documentation of progress  Feedback for student, parent, & teacher  Drives instructional decisions  A method to sort students  Motivation for students  Punishment for students

5 A performance based measure of student proficiency and mastery of knowledge or skills driven by standards. “What the student must know so that they will be able to do.” … NO MATTER THE PATH TAKEN TO GET THERE.


7  AMY had the most passing scores. ◦ Six attempts were passing.  Beth had FIVE  Carol had FIVE  BETH had the highest average. ◦ It was a 65%  Amy’s was 60%  Carol’s was 55%  Carol had the most perfect scores.

8 1. Extra Credit 2. Bonus Points 3. Grades not relevant to subject

9 4. Late Work Penalties 5. Not Allowing “Do-Overs” 6. Accepting Incomplete Work

10 7. Homework as Graded Evidence 8. The “Marking Period Killer” Project 9. Graded “Busy Work”

11 10. The 100 Point Scale and the “TOXIC ZERO” A = 90 - 100% 11 chances B = 80 - 89%10 chances C = 70 - 79%10 chances D = 60 - 69%10 chances F = 0 - 59%60 chances

12  Zeroes skew the average  A zero gives little chance to achieve a good grade EVEN if the skill is mastered WATCH AND LEARN MORE

13 Why don’t identical scores result in the same grade? Scoring and grading is dependent on how and who does the scoring and grading.

14 1. Averaging underestimates a student’s knowledge. 2. Averaging assumes no learning has occurred over time.

15  Assessment tools change to Learning Targets.  Scores are based on the most recent student performance.  Scores based only on what a student knows and is able to do right now.

16 4 = ADVANCED (above & beyond) 3 = PROFICIENT (arrived) 2 = NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (on the way) 1 = UNSATISFACTORY (at the starting gate) 0 = NO EVIDENCE OF PROFICIENCY (not even near the gate)

17 4I know (can do) it well enough to make connections that were not even taught. 3I know (can do) everything that was taught without making mistakes. 2I know (can do) all of the easy parts, but I don’t know (can’t do) the harder parts. 1With help, I know (can do) some of what was taught. 0I don’t know (can’t do) any of it. STUDENT VIEW

18 NEW GRADING SYSTEM: Grading Scale: 4 = A+ 3 = B 2 = C 1 = D 0 = F / NOT DONE

19  Eschool is based on a 100 point scale.  Percentages are misleading if both the student and parent are not made aware. ◦ A = 87% to 100% ◦ B = 75% to 86% ◦ C = 50% to 74% ◦ D = 25% to 49% ◦ F = 0% to 24%

20 MORE ABOUT GRADING : 1. Incomplete work will not be acceptable 2. “Do-overs” encouraged on most assignments 3. Conditional penalties for late work 4. Some class work will be optional (benefits poor test takers) 5. Larger assignments will be weighted 6. No extra credit or bonus points

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