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The First Amendment/problems

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Presentation on theme: "The First Amendment/problems"— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Amendment/problems
By: Billy Sieck

2 The first amendment 1st: It states that everyone has freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and freedom of religion.

3 Freedom of speech Everyone has the right to say what they want and do what they want under this section of the first amendment. Burn a flag, chant, wear certain clothing.

4 Freedom to assemble Everyone has the right to petition and to go on strike under this section of the first amendment.

5 Freedom of religion Everyone has the right to practice their religion and be apart of any religion that they want.

6 Speech problems Problem: Burning the flag
Solution: Make a law making it illegal to do this.

7 Assemble problem Problem: Schools and work
Solution: Make a law saying you can’t picket in front of your work place

8 Religion problems Problem: Jehovah’s witnesses
Solution: Stop letting them try and convert

9 Conclusion The first amendment may protect our freedom of speech, religion, and freedom to assemble but it should be a little more limited

10 Work Citied

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