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Classical China Chapter 2 Pg. 38-54.  Confucius: –“Let the emperor be emperor & the subject subject.” –“The relationship between superiors & inferiors.

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Presentation on theme: "Classical China Chapter 2 Pg. 38-54.  Confucius: –“Let the emperor be emperor & the subject subject.” –“The relationship between superiors & inferiors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical China Chapter 2 Pg. 38-54

2  Confucius: –“Let the emperor be emperor & the subject subject.” –“The relationship between superiors & inferiors is like that between the wind and the grass. The grass must bend when the wind blows across it.” –“When people are educated, the distinction between classes disappears.” –“The superior man…does not set his mind either for anything, or against anything; what is right he will follow.”

3 Patterns in Classical China 1 of 3

4  1500BCE-1200BCE : Shang  1029BCE-700BCE : Zhou flourish –Weak feudal gov; spread culture  700BCE-258BCE : Zhou in decline  402BCE-221BCE : Warring States  221BCE-202BCE : Qin –Harsh legalist centralized activist gov  202BCE-220CE : Han –Centralized trained Confucian bureaucracy; large & prosperous Patterns in Classical China 2 of 3

5 Patterns in Classical China 3 of 3 terra cotta army of Shi Huangdi’s tomb

6 QUESTION SLIDE Which dynasty do you think was most influential in making China a world power? Why? To what extent do the others deserve credit?

7 Political Institutions 1. Local – village leader, landlord class –regulate property & agriculture 2. Regional – appointed district officials –chosen by exam, fulfilled emperor’s wishes 3. Emperor – “Son of Heaven” –executive, legislative, judicial power  Government was active w/ broad functions but not in daily lives

8 Religion & Culture  Traditionally, philosophy focused on politics, obedience, balance  Three philosophies codified during chaos of Zhou decline & warring states 1 of 3

9 Religion & Culture  Confucianism –Stressed order through good government, hierarchy, personal virtue –Society = hierarchical relationships  Superiors (rulers, husbands, fathers): virtuous & responsible leaders  Subordinates (ruled, wives, children): obedient, hard-working followers 2 of 3

10 Religion & Culture  Legalism –pragmatic authoritarian discipline  Daoism –mystical & spiritual balance w/ nature  Art & literature –focused on precision  Science & math –focused on practical applications 3 of 3

11 Economy & Society  Family focus & extreme distinctions b/t classes common in classical China –Extreme patriarchy –Upper-class = landlords, bureaucrats –Lower-class = peasants, artisans  Subsistence Ag = focus of economy –But technological superiority allowed for impressive internal trade, manufacturing, urbanization

12 How Chinese Society Fits  Isolation led to distinctive identity & unusually well-integrated government, philosophy, economy, family  Exceptions: –Importation of Buddhism –Daoism & Legalism offer philosophical diversity, cultural tension

13 Global Connections  Strength of Chinese philosophy, peasants & population led to world superpower status –Politically –Technologically –Economically –Culturally

14 QUESTION SLIDE Based on what you know, what characteristics of classical China still show themselves in today in Chinese culture?

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