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Astronomy Mrs.Stotz Michael.  How far from the sun?  483 million miles.  What is it made of?  Gas.  What does its size compare to Earth?  More than.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy Mrs.Stotz Michael.  How far from the sun?  483 million miles.  What is it made of?  Gas.  What does its size compare to Earth?  More than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy Mrs.Stotz Michael

2  How far from the sun?  483 million miles.  What is it made of?  Gas.  What does its size compare to Earth?  More than 1000 Earths can fit in it.

3  Where is it compared to the sun?  It is the 4 th.  How many Earth years does it take to go around the sun?  433.59 days.  How old would you be on this planet.1 year.  How much would you weigh on this planet?  152 pounds.  How long does a day take?9 hours 55 mins.

4  Has a Red Spot(a huge storm).  Biggest planet in the Solar System.  Is a gas giant  Is the 4 th closest planet to the sun.

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