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Executive Report STUDENT ISSUES. What’s the hip happenin’?

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Report STUDENT ISSUES. What’s the hip happenin’?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Report STUDENT ISSUES

2 What’s the hip happenin’?

3 Mental Health Awareness Week! Coffee house

4 Mental Health Awareness Week



7 Clara Hughes!

8 Thank you!

9 Thank you

10 Thank you!

11 King’s Ball

12 Congratulations Nicole, Miranda, Cassie and Becky!

13 Upcoming Stuff Multicultural Awareness Week Feb. 9-13 th Rick Mercer: April 1 st 2015 In the planning process with Huron and Brescia executives Little Taste:

14 Contact Me! 226-236-0720

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