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New Minds “Same people, same problem” Congressional Term Limits.

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Presentation on theme: "New Minds “Same people, same problem” Congressional Term Limits."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Minds “Same people, same problem” Congressional Term Limits

2 Our Goals Senators Limit of 2 six year terms House of Representatives members Limit of 3 two year terms

3 Right Now… Senate Unlimited 6-year terms House of Representatives Unlimited 2-year terms

4 Pros for Limits Majority of voters prefer term limits Stops seniority for congressmen Increases competition for new, talented individuals Takes away “career politicians” Breaks lobbying and special interests More voting on the right thing to do for the country Enhances fresh ideas and thinking

5 Pros cont’d Reduce the wasteful federal spending Reelection would go to around 50% compared to the current 98%

6 Arguments Against Terminates good politicians as well as the bad. -This is true, however term limits leave room for many more good politicians to come into office more frequently, and bad politicians to leave sooner. Reduces range of voter choice. -People aren’t really given a choice in our current system c onsidering the incumbent almost always wins reelection. Loss of knowledge and experience. -Congressional terms are already staggered to ensure that new members have some sort of guidance. Also, people who spend more time in the real world, rather than the career politicians, are more likely to understand and vote for the interests of the people.

7 Help Us! Answer our survey Write a letter to our state legislature Sample Letter Check out our posters and brochures Sign our petition

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