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Social Studies=Success in Life! Social Studies Courses Junior Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies=Success in Life! Social Studies Courses Junior Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies=Success in Life! Social Studies Courses Junior Presentation

2 World Affairs Mrs. Moll Semester Course  Sophomores - Seniors Topics  Economics, Government, Environment, Terrorism, Health Issues, Human Rights and Geopolitics Methods  Simulations, Discussions, Debates, Group Projects Final Project Social Studies=Success in Life!

3 World Geography Full Year Course—Mr. Wahlen Regions Studied:  Western Hemisphere, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania Topics:  Major Land Forms, Cultures, Languages, Groups, Politics, Economics, Diversity

4 Social Studies=Success in Life! World History Full year course—  Mr. Phillips, Mr. Koller, Mr. Mehreioskouei, A survey of western and non-western civilizations. Students will trace the development of nations and learn the economic, intellectual and social advances of humanity. Simulations, lectures, videos, projects

5 Social Studies=Success in Life! AP European History—10 th -12 th Full Year Course—Mr. Phillips Requires recommendation or successful experience in AP US Studies European History from the Renaissance to Present Methods:  Discussion, presentations, role playing, lecture, other engaged learning activities High Success Rate of former participants when in college!

6 AP Human Geo. 9 th -12th Grade Full Year Course—Mr. Wahlen Requires recommendation or successful experience in AP level course Intense Study of  Regions Studied: Western Hemisphere, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania  Topics: Major Land Forms, Cultures, Languages, Groups, Politics, Economics, Diversity High Success Rate of former participants when in college!

7 AP World History: 10-12 th Grade Full Year Course- Mr. M Requires recommendation or successful experience in AP US Topics:  Intense analytical examination and discussion of world civilizations. Methods:  Discussion, presentations, document analysis, lecture, other engaged learning activities High Success Rate of former participants when in college! Social Studies=Success in Life!

8 Multicultural Perspectives—10 th - 12 th Semester Course—Mr. Koller Portfolio Course—No Tests Topics:  Prejudice, One’s own heritage, African American, Hispanic, and Asian cultures Activities:  Share ethnic heritage… Music, food, family tree, cultural traditions  Creation of Self-Culture Power Point  Conflict Resolution

9 Social Studies=Success in Life! Law and the Individual—11 th and 12 th Semester Course—Mr. Baxter Studies:  Rights and Liberties  Analyzes the criminal justice system  Discusses current legal issues

10 Social Studies=Success in Life! Leadership for Life—10 th,11 th 12 th Semester Elective Course—Mrs. Wienke Prerequisite for Leadership II Content:  Encourages self-identity, self-development, self- improvement and leadership skills.  Course is activity and project based, allowing individuals to learn their leadership style, their strengths and weaknesses, with an emphasis on teambuilding and leadership strategies.  No Final Exam  Field Trip to Outdoor Teams Rope Course

11 Social Studies=Success in Life! Leadership II Semester Elective Course: Mrs. Wienke Must take Leadership I to take Leadership II Content: Teamwork, Leadership, Communication, & Values Leadership in Action: Activity and Project based  Guest speakers  Apprentice Team Challenge: teams put leadership skills to test in a competitive team environment Challenges: Design an item of clothing for school store Plan a Pep and Promote Assembly Create a mentoring program for Incoming Freshman Redesign the Cafeteria (food and structure) *The goal is for the winning team to implement their programs  Planning School Wide Semester Presentation Past topics: AIDS Awareness, Election 2004, Prejudice and Stereotypes, Teen Dating Violence, The Unseen, High School Choices, The Environment

12 Social Studies=Success in Life! Leadership

13 Social Studies=Success in Life! Women’s Studies—10 th, 11 th, 12 th Taking the “His” out of History Semester Course—Mrs. Wienke Open to both Males and Females Topics:  The Role of Women Throughout U.S. history  Women and the Work force  Women, Education, and Sports  Women, Politics and Law  The Media and Body Image  Activism of Women’s causes throughout the century  The Effects of Violence Against Women  Field Trip to Outdoor Teams Rope Course

14 Social Studies=Success in Life! Women’s Studies

15 Social Studies=Success in Life! Psychology I—11 th and 12 th Semester Course—  Mrs. Dvorak, Ms. Kassner, Mr. Cosentino Topics:  History of Psych, Research, The Brain, Sensation and Perception, Sleep and Dreams, Behaviorism, Development, Personality, Memory Methods:  Projects, Demonstrations, Videos, Lectures, Role Playing, Group Activities, Experiments

16 Social Studies=Success in Life! Psychology II—11 th and 12 th Semester Course—  Mrs. Dvorak, Ms. Kassner, Mr. Cosentino Must have a C in Psych I to take Topics:  Conformity, Attraction, Motivation and Emotion, Aggression and Violence, Drugs, Stress, Psych Disorders Methods:  Projects, Demonstrations, Videos, Lecture, Discussions, Experiments, Group Activities, Experiments

17 Social Studies=Success in Life! Psych Pics…

18 Social Studies=Success in Life! AP Psychology--11 th and 12 th Year Long Course—Mrs. Dvorak  Alternative to Psych 1 and 2  Recommendation or past success in AP Preparation for the AP Exam and College Credit Comprehensive overview of psychology Methods:  Experiments, Demonstrations, Activities, Collaborative Student Projects, Lecture and Discussions, Simulations

19 Social Studies=Success in Life! AP Psych….Activities

20 Social Studies=Success in Life! Senior Required Course Options Survey 441 Survey 442 Economics/Government AP Macroeconomics AP Government

21 Social Studies=Success in Life! Social Science Survey 441/442 Year Long Course  Mr. Baxter, Mr. Cassidy, Ms. Howard, Ms. Keller, Mr. Koller, Mr. Lazzara, Mr. Yanule 1 st Semester  Government and Economics 2 nd Semester  Anthropology and Sociology

22 Social Studies=Success in Life! Year Long Course—Ms. Westlund  An alternative social science survey course  Economics – create a business project, international economics funding crisis simulation, supply and demand graphs and stock market and Fed watch  Field Trip to the Federal Reserve Bank & Chicago Board of Trade  Government and Politics  Update the constitution, mock Congress, Presidential Election, & Supreme Court trial simulation Economics and Government

23 Social Studies=Success in Life! AP Macroeconomics/AP Government Full Year Course—Ms. Howard  Teacher Recommendation or successful AP course completion 1 st Semester—Macroeconomics  Graphing, How to determine the health of the economy and theories on how to fix it.  Students are very successful on AP Test  Field Trip to the Fed and Chicago Board of Trade 2 nd Semester—Government  Foundations of Government, philosophy, institutions, branches, etc.  Connected to current political events and their relevance. AP Test Preparation/Possible College Credit and advantage in college course of this nature.

24 Social Studies=Success in Life! CHOOSE YOUR COURSES…

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