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HDF-EOS Workshop IV September 19, 2000 MODIS Reprojection Tool presented by John M. Weiss, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science South Dakota.

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Presentation on theme: "HDF-EOS Workshop IV September 19, 2000 MODIS Reprojection Tool presented by John M. Weiss, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science South Dakota."— Presentation transcript:

1 HDF-EOS Workshop IV September 19, 2000 MODIS Reprojection Tool presented by John M. Weiss, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

2 Introduction zMODIS instrument launched recently zMODIS data: yIntegerized Sinusoidal (ISIN) map projection yHDF-EOS file format zMODIS Reprojection Tool software: yISIN-modified GCTP ySupport for standard map projections ySupport for standard file formats yUser-friendly graphical user interface (GUI)

3 Functional Requirements zIngest data in ISIN projection from HDF-EOS or multi-file (raw binary) formats zTransform data to nine standard projections zAllow spectral and spatial subsetting zAllow three resampling options zProduce data products in HDF-EOS, GeoTIFF, or multi-file formats zExecution via user-friendly GUI or command line zSupport for UNIX and Windows platforms

4 Major Software Components zGUI (Tcl/Tk or Java) zResampler zGCTP (modified to support ISIN projection) zGeoLib zHDF-EOS and HDF libraries zGeoTIFF and TIFF libraries zMulti-file I/O Code zParameter File I/O Code

5 Modules and Data GUI Input Metadata File Parameter File Input Data File User Input File Input Libraries: HDF-EOS Multi-file Resampler GeoLib GCTP with ISIN Output Data File Output Metadata File File Output Libraries: HDF-EOS GeoTiff Multi-file

6 Accomplishments zResampler processes 2-D gridded MODIS data products (Level-3) zHandles multi-file, HDF-EOS, and GeoTiff file formats zSupports all required map projections zSupports nearest neighbor, bilinear, and cubic resampling zSupports output pixel size specification

7 Accomplishments (cont.) zResampler supports scripting with various command-line options zLogs output to log file zRuns on all target platforms (Windows, Linux, Sun and SGI) zGUI (originally Tcl/Tk, now Java) runs on all target platforms











18 HDF-EOS Issues zWell-designed file format for MODIS data, much functionality in library routines zDocumentation not always clear and accurate, fair amount of trial-and-error zHDF-EOS vs. HDF issues: yMetadata yBackground fill values, valid range, etc.

19 To Do zISIN-specific resampling calculations zSupport for swath data (Level-1/Level-2) zSupport for 3-D and 4-D data sets zTesting zDocumentation

20 Testing zTesting challenge: y9 projections y8 data types y4 platforms y2 input file formats y3 output file formats y3 resampling types yspectral subsetting (36 Level-1 bands alone) yspatial subsetting

21 Future enhancements zEfficiency improvements: process selected bands in parallel zConcurrent/distributed processing zRemote processing zIncorporate HDF-EOS viewer, allowing graphical subsetting zGeneralize MODIS Tool to process other data formats and map projections

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