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Presentation on theme: "SUB-MODULE. 3 RESULTS CHAIN RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING Quality Assurance and Results Department (ORQR.2)"— Presentation transcript:


2  Introduction to the RLF  Participatory Approach for RLF development  The results chain  Performance indicators  Means of verification  Risks and mitigation measures 6 Sub-Modules TRAINING CONTENT 2 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING Evaluation  Test at end of training  Multiple choice, open questions and case studies

3  Definition of the Results Chain  Elements of the Results Chain  Elements of the Results Chain - Examples  Results Chain - Attribution and Contribution  Considerations 3 CONTENT: SUB-MODULE 3 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

4 4 OBJECTIVE: SUB-MODULE 3 At the end of this module, Bank staff should be able to:  Understand the cause-effect relationship between elements of the results chain. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

5 I. Definition of the Results Chain (1/2) 5  The results chain is a casual sequence of cause-effect relationships leading a development operation to achieve its objectives.  It starts with the availability of inputs, moving through activities and outputs and culminating in outcomes, impacts and feedback. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

6 Country and project name: Project objective: Results Chain Performance indicatorsMeans of verification Risks and mitigation measures IndicatorBaselineTarget Impact Outcomes Outcome1 Outcome2 … etc. Outputs Component 1 Output 1.1 Output 1.2 … etc. Component 2 Output 2.1 Output 2.2 … etc. Key activity Component 1: Component 2: Inputs Component 1: Component 2: I. Definition of the Results Chain – The Results Chain in the RLF (2/2) 6 RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

7 II. Elements of the Results Chain (1/6) 7 Impact Outcomes Outputs Activities Inputs Project objective RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

8 II. Elements of the Results Chain – Inputs (2/6) 8 Definition: The financial, human and material resources used for the development intervention Example of inputs (by component, co-financing to be included): UA, time, supplies, energy, etc. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

9 9 Definition : Actions taken or work performed through which inputs, such as funds, technical assistance and other types of resources are mobilized to produce specific outputs. Examples of activities (by component):  Designing new business management study programs  Produce teacher training materials (texts, guides)  Develop procedure manuals  Conduct a diagnostic study on financial control RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

10 10 Definition :  The products, capital goods and services which result from a development intervention.  Project outputs results directly from a project/program and are attributable to the project activities and contribute to the outcome of the project. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

11 11  The outputs are attributable to project activities.  Only outputs that may result from the project are included.  Outputs are defined precisely as results: ‘built and ready for use’  All outputs are feasible within the inputs available. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

12 II. Elements of the Results Chain – Examples of Outputs 12  Cross-border road between country X and Y built and opened to public.  Poor farmers trained in sustainable farming practices.  Classrooms and laboratories built and ready for use.  Schools building constructed.  The community members trained.  Dental clinic built and operating. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

13 13 Definition :  The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention´s outputs. Intended or unintended change derived directly or indirectly from an intervention.  They materialize when beneficiaries begin to use the outputs of the project  Outcomes contribute to the impact of the development intervention. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

14 14  Contribute to the project development impact (they do not achieve it alone)  Outcomes are not reformulations of outputs  Direct causal logic between the outcomes and the impact (refer to the CSP or Core Sector Indicators): no steps are skipped.  Outcomes are measurable. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

15 15  Rice productivity increase.  Travel time reduced (From A to B).  Diarrhea rates for children under 5 reduced.  Households connected to potable water supply.  Tertiary school attendance rates increase. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

16 16 Definition :  Impacts are long-term effect produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.  In the RLF, the impact is essentially an objective that is aligned with the country development priorities considered by the project. Examples :  Improve living conditions in rural areas.  Vulnerability to climate change mitigated.  Improve intra-regional trade.  Proportion of households living below the poverty line reduced. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

17 III. Elements of the Results Chain – Example 17 Trainers ORT supplies Funding Design media campaign targeted at mothers Print & distribute ORT training materials 8 media campaigns completed 20 health professionals trained in ORT Reduced incidence of childhood Diarrhea Increased maternal knowledge of oral rehydration therapy (ORT) Increased access to ORT services Reduce by two-thirds the under-five moratity rate (Goal 4) Inputs Activities Outputs Outcome Impact EFFECTS IMPLEMENTATION RESULTSRESULTS RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

18 18 This distinction is key in the results chain – a question of degree  From Activities to Outputs – attribution  Met during project implementation.  From Outputs to Outcomes – contribution – influence of others factors and interventions  Facilitates long term changes.  From Outcomes to Impacts – contribution  Long-term effects. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

19 19 Each statement of the Results Chain:  Addresses a particular cause-effect relationship between the elements of the results chain.  Expresses a single idea.  Target groups need to be defined - geographic location, economic welfare status, gender, age.  One or several results lead to a result in the next level of the results chain. RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING

20 20 Your one-stop shop to quality assurance and results reporting tools used throughout the project cycle RESULTS BASED LOGICAL FRAMEWORK TRAINING ACCESSIBLE THROUGH THE INTRANET Quality Assurance Assistant

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