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Genetics and Molecular Biology JEOPARDY!! Transcription and RNA Processing Translation and Genetic Code More Translation and Mutations Genetics 1Genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics and Molecular Biology JEOPARDY!! Transcription and RNA Processing Translation and Genetic Code More Translation and Mutations Genetics 1Genetics."— Presentation transcript:


2 Genetics and Molecular Biology JEOPARDY!! Transcription and RNA Processing Translation and Genetic Code More Translation and Mutations Genetics 1Genetics 2 10 20 30 40 50

3 10 10 Transcription and RNA Processing The gene sequence that indicates the start of a gene is called….

4 10 TATA box or promoter (TATAAA) Transcription and RNA Processing

5 20 20 Transcription and RNA Processing The enzyme that adds complementary RNA strands to the template DNA

6 20 20 Transcription and RNA Processing RNA Polymerase

7 30 30 Transcription and RNA Processing To protect the mRNA from destruction by cytoplasmic enzymes, it needs…

8 30 30 Transcription and RNA Processing A “G” cap and a poly “A” tail

9 30 Community 1

10 40 40 Transcription and RNA Processing Why is mRNA at the ribosome shorter than it was in the nucleus?

11 40 40 Transcription and RNA Processing RNA splicing– introns are removed and exons are pasted together.

12 50 50 Transcription and RNA Processing To begin transcription, the TATA box must be bound by…

13 50 Transcription Factors Transcription and RNA Processing

14 10 The genetic code consists of… Translation and Genetic Code

15 Codons (3 nucleotide sequences on mRNA) 10 Translation and Genetic Code

16 20 What is translation? Translation and Genetic Code

17 Conversion of nucleic acid language to amino acid language to build a protein 20 Translation and Genetic Code

18 30 What does tRNA do in translation? Translation and Genetic Code

19 Joins to a specific amino acid and transfer it by matching its anticodon to the codon on mRNA at the ribosome 30 Translation and Genetic Code

20 40 What happens during initiation of translation? Translation and Genetic Code

21 mRNA joins with the small ribosomal subunit, which is then joined by a tRNA, and then joined by the large ribosomal subunit. 40 Translation and Genetic Code

22 50 Why is it significant that there are 64 codons for 20 amino acids? Translation and Genetic Code

23 50 Mutations can still occur with potentially no noticeable effect on the phenotype. Translation and Genetic Code

24 10 More Translation and Mutations Any mutation that affects a single nucleotide is called…

25 Point Mutation 10 More Translation and Mutations

26 20 A chromosomal mutation can either be… More Translation and Mutations

27 *chromosome number (nondisjunction) *chromosome structure (deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation) 20 More Translation and Mutations

28 30 Frameshift mutations can be caused by… More Translation and Mutations

29 30 Insertions or deletions

30 40 List the sequence of events in translation. More Translation and Mutations

31 40 *Initiation *Elongation *Termination

32 50 In terms of transcription and translation, how does genotype determine phenotype? More Translation and Mutations

33 50 *the information from the gene on DNA that was inherited from parents is the genotype. It is transcribed onto mRNA, and eventually translated into a protein. The protein is the phenotype (expression of the genotype)

34 10 Genetics 1 Colorblindness and hemophilia are examles of…

35 10 Genetics 1 Sex-linked, recessive traits

36 20 The allele that is expressed in the phenotype is referred to as …. Genetics 1

37 20 Dominant

38 30 After mating a brown bunny with a white bunny, the offspring are all brown. What are the genotypes of the parents? The offspring?

39 30 Genetics 1 Parents- BB X bb Offspring- Bb

40 40 Genetics 1 Since each pair of alleles segregate separately from other pairs of alleles, Mendel created…

41 40 Genetics 1 *The Law of Independent Assortment *supported by homologous chromosome random sorting during metaphase 1 of meiosis.

42 50 Genetics 1 Because alleles separate when homologous chromosomes split in anaphase 1 of meiosis, this supports Mendel’s…

43 50 Genetics 1 Law of Segregation

44 10 My name is Bond, Ionic Bond; Taken, not shared! Genetics 2

45 10 Population Growth From: Mariano Cecowski Q: if both a bear in Yosemite and one in Alaska fall into the water which one disolves faster? A: The one in Alaska because it is HIJKLMNO

46 10 Population Growth Alimentary: What Sherlock Holmes said to Dr. Watson. Urinate: What a nurse would say if a patient asked her what room he's in. Urine - The opposite of "You're out!" Benign: What we want when we are eight. Intestine - Currently taking an exam CARDIOLOGY: advanced study of poker playing TERMINAL ILLNESS: getting sick at the airport

47 10 Genetics 2 Mendel discovered that a dihybrid cross between parents heterozygous for both traits will always show what kind of phenotypic ratio?

48 10 Genetics 2 9:3:3:1

49 10 Genetics 2

50 20 To determine the genotype of a dominant trait, you can mate this individual with…

51 An individual homozygous recessive for the trait (called a test cross) 20 Genetics 2

52 30 When both alleles are expressed in an offspring, this is called…

53 30 Genetics 2 *codominance

54 30 Genetics 2

55 40 Skin color is an example of….

56 40 Genetics 2 Polygenic Inheritance

57 50 Genetics 2 The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance states…

58 50 Genetics 2 It’s the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization that accounts for inheritance patterns.

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