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1 Dr. Scott Schaefer Intersecting Simple Surfaces.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dr. Scott Schaefer Intersecting Simple Surfaces."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dr. Scott Schaefer Intersecting Simple Surfaces

2 2/66 Types of Surfaces Infinite Planes Polygons  Convex  Ray Shooting  Winding Number Spheres Cylinders

3 3/66 Infinite Planes Defined by a unit normal n and a point o

4 4/66 Infinite Planes Defined by a unit normal n and a point o

5 5/66 Infinite Planes Defined by a unit normal n and a point o

6 6/66 Infinite Planes Defined by a unit normal n and a point o

7 7/66 Infinite Planes Defined by a unit normal n and a point o

8 8/66 Infinite Planes Defined by a unit normal n and a point o

9 9/66 Polygons Intersect infinite plane containing polygon Determine if point is inside polygon

10 10/66 Polygons Intersect infinite plane containing polygon Determine if point is inside polygon How do we know if a point is inside a polygon?

11 11/66 Point Inside Convex Polygon

12 12/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

13 13/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

14 14/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

15 15/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

16 16/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

17 17/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

18 18/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

19 19/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

20 20/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

21 21/66 Check if point on same side of all edges Point Inside Convex Polygon

22 22/66 Point Inside Convex Polygon

23 23/66 Point Inside Polygon Test Given a point, determine if it lies inside a polygon or not

24 24/66 Ray Test Fire ray from point Count intersections  Odd = inside polygon  Even = outside polygon

25 25/66 Problems With Rays Fire ray from point Count intersections  Odd = inside polygon  Even = outside polygon Problems  Ray through vertex

26 26/66 Problems With Rays Fire ray from point Count intersections  Odd = inside polygon  Even = outside polygon Problems  Ray through vertex

27 27/66 Problems With Rays Fire ray from point Count intersections  Odd = inside polygon  Even = outside polygon Problems  Ray through vertex  Ray parallel to edge

28 28/66 A Better Way

29 29/66 A Better Way

30 30/66 A Better Way

31 31/66 A Better Way

32 32/66 A Better Way

33 33/66 A Better Way

34 34/66 A Better Way

35 35/66 A Better Way

36 36/66 A Better Way

37 37/66 A Better Way

38 38/66 A Better Way

39 39/66 A Better Way One winding = inside

40 40/66 A Better Way

41 41/66 A Better Way

42 42/66 A Better Way

43 43/66 A Better Way

44 44/66 A Better Way

45 45/66 A Better Way

46 46/66 A Better Way

47 47/66 A Better Way

48 48/66 A Better Way

49 49/66 A Better Way

50 50/66 A Better Way

51 51/66 A Better Way zero winding = outside

52 52/66 Requirements Oriented edges Edges can be processed in any order

53 53/66 Computing Winding Number Given unit normal n =0 For each edge (p 1, p 2 ) If, then inside

54 54/66 Advantages Extends to 3D! Numerically stable Even works on models with holes (sort of) No ray casting

55 55/66 Intersecting Spheres Three possible cases  Zero intersections: miss the sphere  One intersection: hit tangent to sphere  Two intersections: hit sphere on front and back side How do we distinguish these cases?

56 56/66 Intersecting Spheres

57 57/66 Intersecting Spheres

58 58/66 Intersecting Spheres

59 59/66 Intersecting Spheres is quadratic in t

60 60/66 Intersecting Spheres is quadratic in t Solve for t using quadratic equation If, no intersection If, one intersection Otherwise, two intersections

61 61/66 Normals of Spheres

62 62/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r

63 63/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r

64 64/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r 1.Perform an orthogonal projection to the plane defined by C, A on the line L(t) and intersect with circle in 2D

65 65/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r 2.Substitute t parameters from 2D intersection to 3D line equation

66 66/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r 3.Normal of 2D circle is the same normal of cylinder at point of intersection

67 67/66

68 68/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r

69 69/66 Infinite Cylinders Defined by a center point C, a unit axis direction A and a radius r

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