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ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 1; MON. AUG. 24, 2015 (1st 9-Weeks) ›OBJECTIVE: DISCUSS OPENING OF SCHOOL PROCEDURE. Introduce the Number Systems (Real and Complex.

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Presentation on theme: "ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 1; MON. AUG. 24, 2015 (1st 9-Weeks) ›OBJECTIVE: DISCUSS OPENING OF SCHOOL PROCEDURE. Introduce the Number Systems (Real and Complex."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 1; MON. AUG. 24, 2015 (1st 9-Weeks) ›OBJECTIVE: DISCUSS OPENING OF SCHOOL PROCEDURE. Introduce the Number Systems (Real and Complex Numbers) ›ACTIVITIES: (1) DISTRIBUTE OPENING OF SCHOOL MATERIALS. ›(2) MATH PROBLEM (If time permits). Notes on the Real Number systems. Pg. 15 #10 – 12, & 35 – 40. ›HOME LEARNING: CHECK THE KILLIAN WEBSITE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THIS CLASS.

2 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 2; TUE. AUG. 25, 2015 (1 st 9-Weeks) ›SEE BELL RINGER; –THE REAL AND COMPLEX NUMBER SYSTEMS : › OBJECTIVE: SWBAT: Identify properties of real numbers. › MAFS.912.N-CN.1.1 Students will add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers and use i² = -1 to write the answer as a complex number. ›ACTIVITIES: Review Properties of Real numbers. Notes on complex numbers. ›Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers. › Home Learning:

3 REAL NUMBERS AND NUMBER OPERATIONS ›Whole Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, …. ›NATURAL NUMBERS; 1, 2, 3, ……. ›INTEGERS: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …. ›RATIONAL NUMBERS: numbers such as ¾, 1/3, and -4/1 (or -4) that can be written as ratio of two integers. When written as decimals, rational numbers terminate or repeat. For example, ¾ = 0.75 and 1/3 = 0.333….. ›Irrational Numbers; Real #s that are not rational, such as the square root of 2, and pi.

4 PROPERTIES OF ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION ›Let a, b, and c be real numbers ›Property Addition Multiplication ›Closure a + b is a real number ab is a real # ›Commutative a + b = b + a ab = ba ›Associative (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (ab)c = a(bc) ›Identity a + 0 = a, 0 + a =a a.1 = a, 1. a = a ›Inverse a + (-a) = 0 a. 1/a = 1, a /= 0 ›Distributive a(b + c) = ab + ac

5 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 3; WED. AUG. 26, 2015 (1 st 9-Weeks) ›SEE BELL RINGER; –THE COMPLEX NUMBER SYSTEMS : › OBJECTIVE: SWBAT: MAFS.912.N-CN.1.1 Students will add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers and use i² = -1 to write the answer as a complex number. ›ACTIVITIES: Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers. Worksheet on Complex numbers. › Home Learning: Vocabulary worksheet (Due 8/28/15)

6 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 4; THUR. AUG. 27, 2015 (1 st 9-Weeks) ›SEE BELL RINGER; –THE COMPLEX NUMBER SYSTEMS : › OBJECTIVE: SWBAT: MAFS.912.N-CN.1.1 Students will graph in the complex number plane, and divide complex numbers. Remember to use i² = -1 to write the answer as a complex number. ›ACTIVITIES: Pg. 253 #14, 16, 17, & 28-32 (all). › Home Learning: Vocabulary worksheet (Due 8/28/15)

7 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 5; FRI. AUG. 28, 2015 (1 st 9-Weeks) ›SEE BELL RINGER; –THE COMPLEX NUMBER SYSTEMS : › OBJECTIVE: SWBAT: MAFS.912.N-CN.1.1 Students will find complex number solutions of quadratic equations. ›ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 253 #14, 16, 17, & 28-32 (all). ›Classwork: Pg. 253-254 # 34 – 44 (even) & 45-55 (all) › Home Learning: Vocabulary W/S Today!! (Due 8/28/15)

8 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 6; MON. AUG. 31, 2015 (1 st 9-Weeks)

9 ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 7; TUE. SEPT. 01, 2015 (1 st 9-Weeks)

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