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Becoming all things to all men, NOT a different message, but an appropriate “wineskin”

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2 Becoming all things to all men, NOT a different message, but an appropriate “wineskin”

3 Trends indicate 6 clear choices for churches that have decided to grow. The Culture Choice LEADERSHIP CHOICE WORSHIP CHOICE INVOLVEMENT CHOICE OUTREACH CHOICE

4 Trends indicate 6 clear choices for churches that have decided to grow. Choice # 6 The Identity Choice

5 Insofar as “Identity” is concerned….  Rev. 2:1-7- Ephesus- working, persevering, advocates of strong teaching  2:8-11- Smyrna- financially poor, but strong in character

6 Insofar as “Identity” is concerned….  Rev. 2:12-17- Pergamum- resistent to outside forces, indulgent to erring brethren  2:18-29- Thyatira- faithful, growing, hardworking, and also indulgent to erring Christians

7 Insofar as “Identity” is concerned….  Rev. 3:1-6- Sardis- reputation for life but spiritually dead  3:7-13- Philadelphia- small, but strong and faithful  3:14-22- Laodicea- financially rich but lukewarm

8 A church’s “identity” ultimately will decide that congregation’s future. A church’s size, age, location, and roots all contribute to its “identity.”

9 Declining Churches will be focused inwards on meeting member’s needs Growing Churches will be focused outwards on non-members Philippians 2:3-4- Philippians 2:3-4- Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

10 “Identity” resides in the whole membership, thus you have a subculture  Mainline protestant denominations exhibit a non-growth culture. Most are declining since 1960.  The majority of growing churches have a conservative, Bible based subculture. Churches of Christ have a conservative subculture and are dedicated to evangelism. But most are NOT growing, although they’re set for growth.

11 Growing Churches Attract…  Drivers !  Commuters, people used to travel  Especially if the road is a major one, the neighborhood is good, and the work is done

12 Kirk Hadaway, latest research CHURCH GROWTH IN AMERICA  “Mainline denominations retain few visible characteristics that suggest a future growth. They have moved so far from an outward orientation that their situation may be beyond help. To the contrary, Churches of Christ have a potentially bright future. Even the declining congregations have not moved beyond the ability to change.”

13 Congregations Must Make A Choice When It Comes to… Today’s culture Today’s culture Leadership Leadership Worship Worship Involvement Involvement Outreach, and Outreach, and Identity Identity

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