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1 ENGINES of the FLYING MACHINES Vladimir Zrelov Samara 2015 Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

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Presentation on theme: "1 ENGINES of the FLYING MACHINES Vladimir Zrelov Samara 2015 Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)"— Presentation transcript:


2 1 ENGINES of the FLYING MACHINES Vladimir Zrelov Samara 2015 Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

3 2 Russian - N 1

4 3 Standard schemes of the engines of the flying machines The engine with the emission of exhaust gas from the gas generator into the environment

5 Standard schemes of the engines of the flying machines The engine, based on gas - liquid" with oxidative single-component liquid- gas generator

6 5 Standard schemes of the engines of the flying machines The engine, based on gas - liquid" with a two-part oxidative gas generator

7 6 Standard schemes of the engines of the flying machines The engine, based on gas - liquid" restoration of a two- component gas generator

8 7 Standard schemes of the engines of the flying machines Еngine with regenerative two-component gas generator

9 8 Standard schemes of the engines of the flying machines Еngine working on a "gas-gas": 1-afterburner; 2, 6- pipe; 3-turbine oxidizer; 4-oxidizer pump; 5 - oxidation gas generator; 7-turbine fuel; 8- recovery generator; 9- fuel pump

10 9 Сombustion chambers

11 10 Russian rocket engines RD-180 NK-33

12 11 USA rocket engines Saturn F1 Engine SSME

13 12 Turbopumps Structural scheme of the turbopumps

14 13 Turbopumps LOX turbopamp SSME Rocketdyne

15 14 Turbopumps LH 2 turbopamp SSME Rocketdyne

16 15 Damper of rotor Bearing Plate damper Oil damper

17 16 Seals Non-contact Seals

18 17 Seals Contact Seals

19 18 Seals Seals of LOX turbopamp of the SSME

20 19 Seals Seals of LH 2 turbopamp of the RD-0120

21 20 The next generation of the Rocket Engines All rocket engines burn their fuel to generate thrust. If any other engine can generate enough thrust, that can also be used as a rocket engine There are a lot of plans for new engines that the NASA scientists are still working with. One of them is the “ Xenon ion Engine”. This engine accelerate ions or atomic particles to extremely high speeds to create thrust more efficiently. NASA's Deep Space-1 spacecraft will be the first to use ion engines for propulsion. There are some alternative solutions like Nuclear thermal rocket engines, Solar thermal rockets, the electric rocket etc. We are looking forward that in the near future there will be some good technology to take us into space


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