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AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth The Wierdest wonder Is it good or is it bad?

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Presentation on theme: "AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth The Wierdest wonder Is it good or is it bad?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth The Wierdest wonder Is it good or is it bad?

2 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA experience Bad  Calibration of the detector very heavy (“perfect” time constants for AMANDA-B13 ready first May 2000!) The analysis delayed due to this. Good  Deployment procedure established.  “Easy” to reconstruct neutrinos

3 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA deployment history

4 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA data analysis The first neutrino candidates published from AMANDA-B4 (data 1996) AMANDA-B10 data 1997 analysis in progress for  Atmospheric neutrinos  Search for WIMP annihilation in the Earth  point sources  Diffuse flux  Neutrinos from GRB  and Supernova, magn. monoples, AMANDA-SPASE etc

5 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA data analysis  Atmospheric neutrinos  WIMP search from Earth  Point sources  Diffuse neutrino flux  Neutrinos from GRB  Supernova neutrinos  Magnetic monopoles  AMANDA-SPASE AMANDA-B10 data is analysed for several different topics with the following in a “final” stage:

6 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA-II Feb. 00

7 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA -candidate Early photons are red, late photons are blue. More photons are larger circles Bottom of array is toward center of Earth The muon is clearly traveling in the upward direction

8 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA -candidate Early photons are red, late photons are blue. More photons are larger circles Bottom of array is toward center of Earth The muon is clearly traveling in the upward direction

9 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Event Rate Predictions Point Sources Diffuse Sources

10 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Search Strategies for HE ’s Diffuse flux are most difficult to detect, but largest predicted rates. GRBs have least background due to time and position correlations.

11 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Signal-background Separation Arb. normalization between signal and BG

12 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth SPASE-AMANDA Calibration of absolute pointing Calibration of pointing resolution Calibration of signal efficiency SPASE: South Pole Air Shower Experiment

13 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Data Reduction 1997 E.g. one of the atmospheric neutrino analysis, 1997.

14 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Atm. : background rejection Satisfactory agreement at all stages of analysis Rejection criteria are progressively improved, leaving fewer down-going events Initially data agrees with BG simulation, but then agrees with atm. signal 10 3 1

15 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Angular Distributions Two distinct analysis techniques, but not independent (a) MC (normalized) (b)

16 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Atmospheric Neutrinos Stronger selection criteria than point analysis Two distinct analysis methods Expected number of events depends on analysis efficiency

17 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Search for HE Point Sources Concentrate on continuous emission from sources with hard spectra (~E -2 ) Optimize search on Signal to Noise Ratio  A eff depends on rejection requirements  Iterative procedure defined a priori Background for this search  Poorly reconstructed atmospheric muons  Atmospheric neutrinos

18 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Sky Plot of Events 1097 events No obvious clustering Event sample consists of atm. and atm. muons. Equatorial Coordinates

19 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Significance distribution Bin sky according to angular resolution Use declination band to estimate background No statistically significant excess

20 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Flux Limit (preliminary) AMANDA B10 limits are compared to MACRO limits. SuperK curve is estimated! AMANDA-II will complement sky coverage of SuperK

21 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Point Source Fluxes Theoretical predictions are very small AMANDA limit assumes source with E -2 spectrum Figure adopted from Mannheim & Learned

22 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Mk 501 Flux Limit Recent diffuse IR measurements imply strong attenuation of TeV photons AMANDA can rule out similar neutrino spectrum. AMANDA Figure adapted from Protheroe and Meyer, astro-ph/0005349

23 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Search for Diffuse Flux OM multiplicity distribution is (weakly) related to energy deposition. Distribution is consistent with atm New energy estimators will lead to improved limits

24 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Diffuse Flux Generally 10 3 larger than point fluxes Atm  backgrounds 10 3 worse E 2   < 1.6x10 -6 GeVcm -2 s -1 sr -1 AMANDA

25 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMPs from Sun/Earth

26 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Angular Spread of WIMP signal Angular spread decreases as WIMP mass increases, reducing atm. background

27 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Cuts for WIMP search Optimized cuts for almost vertical upward moving muons. The simulated WIMP signal is reduced to 30% after reducing background by 10 8.

28 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMPs from the Earth AMANDA limits comparable to MACRO and Baksan AMANDA sensitivity will increase at low mass due to special string trigger and better optimized analyzes Optimized search for vertical neutrinos (1997 data)

29 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMP search with Ice 3 The WIMP search has been tested for two different geometries and the limits are given for 10 years of running

30 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Simulation of WIMPs in Ice 3 Signal neutrinos from WIMP annihilations are simulated with Pythia No background simulated, but PMT noise is included At least 5 remaining hits after cleaning Reconstructed muon angle within 5 degrees of simulated This is the best-case limits since since efficiency of future cuts to remove background has not been included.

31 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMPs from the Earth with Ice 3 Ice 3 will significantly improve the sensitivity. Optimized search for vertical neutrinos

32 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMPs from the Earth with Ice 3 Ice 3 will completely cover the DAMA area Optimized search for vertical neutrinos

33 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMPs from the Sun with Ice 3 Ice 3 will significantly improve the sensitivity.

34 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth WIMPs from the SUN with Ice 3

35 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Search for HE from GRB

36 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth GRB Science Verify fireball model GRBs may be sources of highest energy cosmic rays Test of special relativity Search for  appearance at  m 2 > 10 -17 eV 2 (Ice 3 ) Search for emission in coincidence with Gamma ray detectors

37 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth HE emission from GRB’s ? 10 -1 10 -6 1 100 Burst Duration (s) Waxman and Bahcall Combined Limit (90% CL) Fluence (TeVcm -2 ) - Not so far

38 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA Supernova detection e + p n + e + PMT noise increase due to the positrons AMANDA records noise on the PMTs over 0.5 sec and summing up total rate over 10 sec intervals

39 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA SN sensitivity AMANDA-B10 is monitoring 60% of the Galaxy with 90% detection efficiency for a SN1987 type. AMANDA is going to join SNEWS in 2001

40 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Magnetic Monopole detection

41 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA Effective Area AMANDA-II 30,000-50,000 m 2 AMANDA-II has nearly uniform response over all zenith angles

42 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Summary and Outlook No point sources (AGN, GRB or WIMPS) detected, but  more data on tape with bigger array (1998, 1999) ~170 atmospheric neutrinos candidates  Number depends on efficiency of analysis Sensitivity and performance confirmed (to within factor of 2) by atm, background studies, and Spase-AMANDA coincidence events AMANDA-II is taking data

43 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth Publications Many conference reports and so far X Ph.D. Thesis. First neutrino results in Astroparticle Physics 13 (2000) 1, (AMANDA-B4) Eight drafts in preparation for submission in autumn 2000 (AMANDA-B10, 1997 data)  Atmospheric neutrinos  WIMP search  Neutrino limits from GRB  Point sources  Diffuse limit  AMANDA-SPASE  Supernova  Magnetic Monoples

44 AMANDA 2000-06-21 Per Olof Hulth AMANDA Results Supermassive Black Holes (AGN)  E -2 point source:  (>10 GeV) <10 -7 (cm -2 s -1 )  E -2 diffuse flux : E 2  <  x    GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 GRB in coincidence with BATSE  Cumulative Fluence < 4x10 -4 TeVcm -2 Atmospheric neutrinos (135 live days)  ~170 events from 1997, depends on analysis  Calibration of sensitivity within factor 2 WIMPs from the earth Also, see ICRC99 for limits on relativistic monopoles, search for SNa, ice properties

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