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Keeping Your Strategic Plan Alive! Elaine M. Woloshyn Center for Nonprofit Excellence Akron, Ohio Northwest Pennsylvania’s 10 th Annual Nonprofit Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Your Strategic Plan Alive! Elaine M. Woloshyn Center for Nonprofit Excellence Akron, Ohio Northwest Pennsylvania’s 10 th Annual Nonprofit Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Your Strategic Plan Alive! Elaine M. Woloshyn Center for Nonprofit Excellence Akron, Ohio Northwest Pennsylvania’s 10 th Annual Nonprofit Day

2 “ The benefits of strategic planning are almost always lost… because of what happens after strategic planning.” - Robert Bacal

3 Good plans are more evolutionary than revolutionary “Rolling” planning ongoing and never-ending Strategic thinking and planning perspective baked in Strategic Planning in NOT an event, it's a process!

4 Why do we exist? Where are we going? How are we going to get there? How will we know when we get there? Strategic Planning answers questions

5 used by everyone in organization to make decisions focus alignment communication Strategic Planning focuses on whole organization

6 Two stages of strategic planning Strategic stage thinking exploration Implementation practical tactical

7 7 NOW Strategic Planning Vision 3 – 5 Years Future

8 8 Is our plan any good? Does it still make sense? Before October 2008? Was it Board based? Does it include a budget? Was it creative? Does it have buy-in?

9 9 Can we renew it? SWOT Strategic re-thinking Adjust timeline, accountability Success? Money?

10 10 Assessment Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Who is our customer and what does our customer value? Can we renew it?

11 11 Generating creative ideas - services - funding - ways of working - people Identifying and discussing the big issues Evaluating options

12 12 5- 6 specific strategic initiatives goals and objectives key actions Success Measures Timeline Accountability Budget

13 13 Success Measures How will we know when we get there? Specific Measurable Meaningful

14 14 A dynamic strategic plan includes Alignment with values and mission Board support Board input Board feedback Board communication People support what they help create!

15 15 Strong Broad and Executive Support Elevator speech Communication How does this action advance our strategy? What progress have we made?

16 16 Everyone on organization knows Mission Values Vision Strategic focus What their role is in achieving that focus

17 17 Implementation Infrastructure Inclusion in workplans Inclusion in budgeting process Inclusion in evaluation process Include in communication

18 18 Monitoring Process Tracking progress Assigned person Meetings on topic Quarterly What is working? What is not?

19 19 How do we fix it? Reports Benchmarking Quarterly and annually Scorecard Trends and graphs Recognition and Rewards Celebrate success Incentives for achievement

20 20 Process to change Tactics Even strategy! Don’t sue Mapquest! Think! Change!

21 703 South Main Street, Suite 200 Akron, Ohio 44311 330-762-9670

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