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Planetary InSAR Summary Presented by Pete Mouginis-Mark

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1 Planetary InSAR Summary Presented by Pete Mouginis-Mark

2 Overarching Science Goals Search for Water (Mars, Moon, Europa) Search for Active Tectonism/Volcanism (Venus, Europa). On Io, quantify on-going processes. Improved Topography for geomorphology studies and landing sites characterization (Moon, Mars, Venus and Europa)

3 Moon: Investigate Polar Ices & Possible Landing Sites Image permanent shadow areas at poles Characterize topography at potential landing sites; meter-scale horizontal. Polar topo. to determine lighting geometry; 10-m scale resolution Global topography for crustal modeling; 50 – 75 m resolution. Composition of ices via dielectric properties

4 Mars: Follow the Water & Climate Change Does near-surface liquid water exist anywhere today? Polar cap studies – surface motion, seasonal variability, rates of change of cap. Ice sheet change detection (“swiss cheese”) Tracking seasonal ice/water interface across globe as detected by Mars Odyssey. Freeze/thaw seasonal variations (rock glaciers, crater gullies, polygons)

5 Surface changes at lower latitudes (e.g., dunes, landslides) Topographic mapping at better than Mars Express resolution: landing site characterization, paleo- shorelines, paleo-climate geomorphology Subsurface topography to search for buried drainage channels (search for paleo- rainfall?)

6 Europa: Potential Habitability of the moon Radar sounding to determine thickness of icy crust – depth of brittle/ductile transition Determine topography of potential penetrator landing sites

7 What is the Thickness of Europa’s Icy Crust? Investigate strange “cycloid” ridges – may be formed from daily fracturing Search for deformation along cracks to determine to see if brine is leaking to surface. One tidal cycle or longer time periods What is role of large tidal amplitudes (~30 m) on 1.8-Earth day time period?

8 Ganymede/Callisto: Rheology of Icy Crusts Need for high resolution topography to study relaxation of crater rims and fractured terrain

9 Venus: Is the Planet Still Active?  Identification of on-going tectonic and/or volcanic processes; comparison of geodetics with Earth.  Global topography with resolution (75 m) comparable to Magellan imaging for rheological modeling of slopes.  Atmospheric dynamics and structure?  Shallow subsurface structure (needs P-band) to resolve lithologic questions at landing sites (e.g., layering at Venera 14)  Resolution of origin of anomalous dielectric properties (e.g., Maat Mons)

10 Technology Development for all Planets On-board processing for topographic recovery. Learn how to do this at Earth first to perfect data processing approach. Assume only 1 or 2 products with single- pass interferometry. Penetration would require longer wavelengths. Extended mission duration for seasonal studies on Mars. SCAN-SAR best operating mode to repeatedly view large areas (e.g., on Venus). Would need on-board processing. Spotlight imaging for selected sites for high resolution topography on Mars.

11 Galilean Satellite Technologies Radiation hardening of spacecraft. Data recovery on Earth more challenging due to Earth-Jupiter distance. Challenging navigation of spacecraft for short duration mission. If sub-surface ice needs to be characterized, need longer wavelength than P-band data. Do not how to do this at high power and voltage required for Jupiter mission.

12 Earth Analog Technology/Phenomenology Development Develop on-board processing of InSAR data Develop understanding of multi-wavelength volume scattering with radar penetration. Use of orbital or aircraft experiments OK Characterize compositional effects on dielectric properties of materials.

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