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Build Your Own Quantum Computer for Fun and Profit!

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Presentation on theme: "Build Your Own Quantum Computer for Fun and Profit!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Build Your Own Quantum Computer for Fun and Profit!
Stephen Granade

2 Bits are 1s and 0s (i.e. base 2)
1 1 1 = 19

3 Save Us, Gordon Moore!

4 Parallel Computation Takes More Space
Photo credit: pure_martin

5 Light Polarization States
Vertical light: Horizontal light: A mix: Amplitudes Square for probabilities:

6 What’s Going On With The 3 Polarizers
Vertical polarizer: Horizontal polarizer: nada

7 What’s Going On With The 3 Polarizers
Vertical polarizer: 45 degree polarizer: Horizontal polarizer:

8 Bits Hold 1 Number Qubits Can Hold All Numbers!
3-Bit Number 3-Qubit Number Superposition makes this possible

9 Tangent: Entanglement Happens When One Qubit’s State Depends on Another’s
Entangled Not Entangled If you measure the first qubit and it’s 0, you know the second qubit is 0 too. They’re entangled! If you measure the first qubit and it’s 0, you don’t know the second qubit. They’re independent!

10 You Can Add All Numbers At Once!
Classical Computer Quantum Computer

11 It’s Just an Algorithm Public Private

12 Turning Factoring into Period Finding
If n has the factors p and q, then, if you pick a random x, the above sequence has a period that evenly divides into (p-1)(q-1) Leonhard Euler

13 Shor’s Algorithm is Fast
Classical factoring Shor’s Algorithm

14 Grover’s Algorithm Finds Stuff Quickly
Searches unsorted data Number of items Approx. Speedup 100 10 1,000 32 10,000 100,000 316 1,000,000 1000 10,000,000 3162 100,000,000 10000 1,000,000,000 31623 Photo credit: seanabrady

15 Decoherence Smears Out States

16 There are Lots of Ways to Make a Quantum Computer
Photons Trapped Ions Optical Lattice Liquid NMR Spintronics

17 7-Qubit Computer from IBM
2001. Chuang et. al. Factored 15 3 5

18 First Qubyte from Innsbruck

19 Quantum Computer Onna Chip
Sadly I have no good pictures of the group or its research besides this graphic from the cover of Science

20 D-Wave…maybe

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