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High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and Crab Cavities Lucio Rossi CERN LHC Crab Cavity Worshop 15 Dec 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and Crab Cavities Lucio Rossi CERN LHC Crab Cavity Worshop 15 Dec 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and Crab Cavities Lucio Rossi CERN LHC Crab Cavity Worshop 15 Dec 2010

2 From September 2010 HL-LHC formed as CERN project Int. Lumi by end of 2019: 200 fb -1 Or (positive assumption to reach L= 2·10 34 ) 300 fb -1 15Dec20102L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

3 Physics reason for an upgrade 15Dec20103L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

4 Two lines for the upgrade Beam current Beam structure Low  * and good geometric factor Levelling. The experiment has stated that working with L peak > 5  10 34 would pose a challenge extremely uncertain Courtesy E. Todesco 15Dec20104L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

5 Technical reasons for an upgrade R2E (Radiation To Electronics) may be a killer above a certain threshold Limitation of P5 Left Triplet cooling (because of presence of SCRF in P4 Right using the same cryoplant) Possible limitation in Inner triplet cooling at  1.6 10 34 because of choked Heat Ex. Tube (and additional thermal links) Limitation of cryoplant and magnet stability (just without margin at ultimate lumi) Lack of flexibility: arc-IR fully cryocoupled Magnet radiation damage at 300-400 fb -1 15Dec20105L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

6 Critical technologies for HL-LHC 13 T Magnets- GW SC cables- Crab Cavities SC Magnets beyond 10 tesla of accelerator qualities. Inner triplets Quads and D1/D2 dipoles D1 could be the KEK design-contribution New step forward in circular accelerators ! Sc links for 200 kA-5 kV (1 GW DC) To remove from tunnel Magnet Power Supply, sensible to radiadiation To easy integration in crowdy zone To remove form tunnel the DFB (Current Leads) and easy operation and maintenance Crab Cavities at 400 MHz New equipment for accelerators, and even more difficult for LHC (very compact) An asset also for LC ! 15Dec20106L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

7 The goal of HL-LHC 15Dec20107L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

8 First action of HL-LHC: 11 T LHC dipole Make room for collimation beyond P3 15Dec2010L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop8 In 2012-13 we plan to move 28 cold equipments Later on this will be avoided, but an alternative solution is studied in HL-LHC: A 11T LHC MB (twin) Collaboration with Fermilab A warm collimator sitting on a cold by-pass Here cryocollimators could be accomodate

9 H-LHC change in layout in the IR Dispersion suppressor Matching sectionSeparation dipoles Final focus Today: 6 x 3 m x1.5 T; h=80 mm HL-LHC: 1 x 4 m x 7 T; Ø=150 mm Today: Two-in-One Ø =56 mm; 4.2K HL-LHC: Two-in-One Ø70 mm; 1.9 K Today: Q4 Two-inOne Ø=70 mm, 4.2 K; D2 ↑↑ 9 m x 3.5 T, 4.2 K HL-LHC: Q4 Two-in-One Ø=90 mm, 1.9 K; CRAB CAVITY ; D2 ↑↑ 9 m x 5 T; 1.9 K Today MQX: 4 x 6 m, Ø=70 mm; HL-LHC MQX: 4 x 8 m x; Ø=150 mm 15Dec20109L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

10 High Lumi EU FP7 Design Study 4 year program CERN CEA, CNRS, Desy, INFN (Mi&LNF), CSIC (UniValencia), UniLAN, UniLiv, UniMan, RH UniLon, STFC, EPFL, BINP KEK LARP: BNL, FNAL,LBNL, SLAC and ODU (Jlab) Application to EU: 25th Nov 2010 Answer for April 2011 to start fall 2011 WP4: Crab Cavities. In 2010 crab cavities changed status from useful – extravagant – tool for a future upgrade to the status of critical element at the heart of the HL-LHC project  Increased consciousness of the responsibilty of CC community needed  Focussed R&D mode (less workshop?) Decision on magnet dogleg for Local scheme is never too early… Installation PDR preparation mChoice TDR Approval Construction 2011 2013201420152020 HiLumi LHC 15Dec201010L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

11 Value of the FP7 DS study 15Dec201011L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

12 Governance of the whole HL-LHC collaboration HL-LHC is larger than the FP7 design study application (named HiLumiLHC). But the project structure is unique, some WPs are inside FP7 and soem are not, implemented by MoUs 15Dec201012L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

13 WPs (further WP will be added) and cost Tentative Cost Evaluation Cost of FP7 Design Study (HiLumi LHC): 40 MCHF Cost of total HL-LHC design study : 20 MCHF Cost of HL-LHC project : 700 MCHF (500 MCHF manufacture, assembly, installation) 15Dec201013L.ROSSI@LHC Crab Cavity Workshop

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