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If you say 8 color the ones in your picture purple. If you say 9 color the ones in your picture blue.

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Presentation on theme: "If you say 8 color the ones in your picture purple. If you say 9 color the ones in your picture blue."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you say 8 color the ones in your picture purple. If you say 9 color the ones in your picture blue.

2 If you say it’s one thousand then color the 2’s pink. If you say it’s two thousand then color the 2’s red.

3 If you think the answer is 3400 then color the 3’s yellow. If you think the answer is 3500 then color the 3’s orange.

4 If the answer is 4.20 then color the 4’s yellow. If the answer is 5.30 then color the 4’s purple.

5 If you believe the answer to be 17.852 then color the 5’s brown. If you believe the answer to be 17.80 then color the 5’s orange. If you believe the answer to be 17.85 then color the 5’s blue

6 If the answer is 9.651 then color the 6’s black If the answer is 9.431 then color the 6’s green

7 If the answer is 8250.7 color the 7’s orange If the answer is 8245.7 color the 7’s purple

8 If the answer is six hundred color the 8’s blue If the answer is six tenths color the 8’s black

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