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Bacteria. Prokaryotes Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus, usually very small Also known as bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria. Prokaryotes Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus, usually very small Also known as bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria

2 Prokaryotes Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus, usually very small Also known as bacteria

3 Classifying 1. Eubacteria- larger, live almost everywhere 2. Archaebacteria- live in harsh environments: hot springs, salt water

4 Structure Cell Wall Ribosome DNA Flagella

5 Identifying 1. Shape 2. chemical make-up of cell wall 3. how them move 4. how they obtain energy

6 Shapes Rod shaped- bacilli, bacillus Spherical- cocci, coccus Spiral- spirilla, spirillum

7 Gram staining technique

8 Cell Walls Gram-positive absorbs purple dye easier to treat (only 2 layers of cell wall) EX// streptococcus pnemonia

9 Gram-negative absorbs red dye unaffected by most antibiotics (3 layers to cell wall) EX// E.Coli


11 Flagella- whip like structure Cilia- hair like structures Some snake about Some glide on slime they make Some don’t move Movement

12 Energy Autotrophs- make their own food photoautotrophs- carry out photosynthesis, surface of water chemoautotrophs-(chemosynthesis) use inorganic molecules like ammonia, sulfur, iron

13 Energy Con’t Heterotrophs- takes in organic molecules (consumes) Examples: food, sewage, petroleum, dead plant/animals photoheterotroph- photosynthetic and needs organic materials Energy is released by respiration or fermentation

14 Growth and Reproduction Grow very fast Need food source to grow DydciWc DydciWc

15 Reproduction Binary Fission- grow to almost double in size, duplicates DNA and divides in half Conjugation- transfers genetic information from one cell to the other

16 Bacteria in Nature 1. Decomposers recycle nutrients eat dead plant and animal matter clean-up oil spills, trash, sewage

17 Bacteria in Nature Con’t Fix Nitrogen- need nitrogen to help make protein 80% atmosphere is nitrogen, is not usable some plants “fix” nitrogen into a usable form- ammonia bacteria in nodules on roots do this


19 Disease A. Pathogen- disease causing agent causes damage in 2 ways: 1. Damage tissue- Ex// Tuberculosis 2. Release toxins- EX// Botulism

20 B. Transmission water, air, food, insects, humans most widespread: dental carries

21 C. Prevention Proper food handling Vaccine- stimulates the immune system

22 D. Treatment Antibiotics- block the growth and reproduction of bacteria Resistance- grow fast and mutate, because resistant to drugs, too many antibiotics/antibacterial creates more resistance

23 E. Food cheese, yogurt, olives, sauerkraut adds tang to food helps aid in digestion

24 E. Drugs Use their genetic diversity may help manufacture proteins (insulin)

25 G. Controlling Sterilization- destroy by heat or chemical Refrigeration- slows growth Cooking- kills Hygiene- wash/clean to kill

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