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Typical modern down-hole wireline equipment

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Presentation on theme: "Typical modern down-hole wireline equipment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lower Pennsylvanian Well Log Interpretations by Richard Andrews March 2009

2 Typical modern down-hole wireline equipment
Length in feet Caliper Gamma-ray Neutron Density Induction (resistivity) SP sensor Tension

3 Siberts Well #1 Upper zone Lower zone 0 API 150 0 ohms 50
SP & GR Resistivity Conductivity API ohms Upper zone See Detailed section Lower zone See Detailed section

4 PE; Density & Neutron Porosity
K GR & SP 2800 Resistivity Detailed logs Siberts Well #1 – Upper zone PE GR & CAL 2800 PE; Density & Neutron Porosity

5 Detailed logs Siberts Well #1 – Lower zone
GR, SP, & CAL Resistivity 6 Inches K

6 Detailed logs Siberts Well #1 – Lower zone
GR & Cal Density & Neutron Φ in PE 3100 3200

7 Questions for the Lower Pennsylvanian log exercise
What company drilled this well? Who owned the mineral rights?? What is the well identification (other than its API number) and what does it mean? 2. “Joe”, a petroleum engineer from Texas designed the drilling parameters for this well. It is being drilled in an area experiencing significant over-pressurization despite its shallow depth. What is going to happen to “Joe’s” well if he hits pay knowing the type of mud he used? Why wasn’t the well logged to the surface? What is the reference datum for the well logs? What matrix density was used to calibrate the porosity logs? How many GR API units define the shale base-line? 7. What is the lithology throughout the upper and lower detailed sections? Color sandstone = yellow, carbonates = blue Identify zone(s) of mudcake buildup. 9. What is the cross-plot porosity between 3,270’-3,280’? What is the lithology? What is the bulk density (not porosity) and resistivity of the shale between 3,030’-3,050’ and between 3,125’-3,164’ and why the difference? What is the cross plot porosity between 3166 – 3180? What causes the large separation between the two log traces?? In the interval 3,160-3,210, why is the SP response greater at the base despite both intervals having ~same cross-plot porosity? Why is the resistivity higher in the upper half? What is the Rt at 2,788’; 3,175’; and at 3,204’? Why isn’t there a significant SP deflection at 2,788’? 15. What is the density porosity at 3,113’? Explain.

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