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DØ Data Handling & Access The DØ Meta-Data Browser Pushpa Bhat Fermilab June 4, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "DØ Data Handling & Access The DØ Meta-Data Browser Pushpa Bhat Fermilab June 4, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 DØ Data Handling & Access The DØ Meta-Data Browser Pushpa Bhat Fermilab June 4, 2001

2 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20012 The DØ Meta-Data Browser (DMDB)  We need ONE user-interface to get any information needed about any type of DØ data  Intuitive and Physics-based interface  Minimize Computer Science jargon  Provide a unified access to the Meta- data available in the Federation of DØ databases  Run Info, Trigger, Luminosity, SAM File/Tape database  The users need not know where it comes from  Web-style logical expression queries  Generate data summary reports, summary plots, tables for a list of runs/files, macros needed as input in analyses

3 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20013 The DMDB Interface Data Summary Run Info DataMonte Carlo Get Summary Plots Get Data Summary DØ Data Summary June 4, 2001 Number of runs to date: Run number range: Total Integrated Luminosity: Number of global runs: Number of special runs: Number of runs processed: Total data size: xxx Tb (Reco), xxx Gb (TMB) Print Summary to File Scroll down for more info

4 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20014 DMDB Run Info Query should help find runs for detector or trigger debugging Query results can be self-limiting, inform the user of how many records were found and display a limited number of records, as in case of web search Data Summary Run Info Data Monte Carlo Data Summary HelpGo Logical Query Find run <1198456 and det SMT+MUON And trigger 15 Start Date Go End Run Go Start Run 1198456 End Date

5 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20015 DMDB Run Info DØ Run Information June 4, 2001 Print to File Run number: 1198456 GOOD RUN Start Date: End Date: Begin Inst. Lum.: End Inst. Lum.: Total Integrated Luminosity: Triggers Used: Detectors Used: Number of Files written: Shifters: Problems Recorded: Pages thru Results of the search for all runs satisfying criteria Output in a table format is another option

6 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20016 Monte Carlo Info Data Summary Run Info Data Monte Carlo Data Summary Process PYTHIA ISAJET HERWIG Color Code Samples Available In Pipeline Not Available

7 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20017 DMDB Monte Carlo Info DØ Monte Carlo June 4, 2001 Save File List/ Create Sam.bash Monte Carlo Sample: Date Generated: Number of Events: Total Integrated Luminosity: Cross Section: (Calculated by the Generator) Cuts Used in Generator: Level of Processing: Level of Processing: Generator, Full or fast Detector simulation, Reco etc. Note Scroll-bar List continues

8 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20018 Data Data Data Summary Run Info Data Monte Carlo Data Summary ROOTtuples Reco Status Streams HelpGo Logical Query Find rootfile reco p09.00 and xx zmumu ThumbNails Query: When you get results from the query, have option to write results to a file Help: Gives you keywords available for query, their definitions and query syntax Follow SLAC Spires model for queries Reco Certification Samples Raw Data

9 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 20019 Data Data Summary Run Info Data Monte Carlo Data Summary It is useful to have similar interfaces for real And MC data Example: Stream RECO TMB ROOT QCD W(e) ee Stream-4 Stream-5 Streams Info

10 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 200110 Summary What exists through SAM query pages are already useful! But, the examples shown are to illustrate the look and feel of a UNIFIED user window to DØ data. (The goal is to render it easier, intuitive and physics- based!) Specifications for DMDB can evolve and technical implementation details should be worked out Thanks to Harry Melanson and Harrison Prosper for useful input.

11 Pushpa Bhat June 4, 200111 Other Thoughts & Comments Layering the information and using key words to make logical queries Web technologies have proven the sophistication that can be attained in searches for information Filenames can be simple and the file internally be self-describing. –The database can provide the mapping –One can have a tool that can be run on the file to get the header information. We will have to handle data for many years to come; in the meantime, computing technology will advance tremendously!

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