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From choice, a world of possibilities Definitions: Channels of Distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "From choice, a world of possibilities Definitions: Channels of Distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 From choice, a world of possibilities Definitions: Channels of Distribution

2 Shared Definitions One set of definitions to be used in both Service Statistics and Commodities modules Only slight differences from past definitions We hope they are mutually exclusive; if you see any gaps, or don’t know where to classify your outlets, talk to us If your MA has been using different definitions (or interpretations of these definitions) for reporting in the past, we will help you reclassify to report according to these definitions from now on

3 3 Categories of Channels MA Clinical Channels MA Managed Non-clinical Channels Non-MA (external) Channels

4 MA CLINICAL CHANNELS Static Clinics Mobile/Outreach Clinics Associated Clinics Have provision of contraceptive clinical services and use contraceptives provided by the MA

5 Static Clinics MA managed clinic, run by full and part-time MA staff Contraceptives provided by MA to the client Clinical services provided by MA medical personnel (i.e., doctor or nurse) Contraceptive clinical services provided (may also provide SRH non-contraceptive services or non-SRH services)

6 Mobile/Outreach Clinics MA managed clinics, run by full and part-time MA staff Contraceptives provided by MA to the client Clinical services provided by MA medical personnel (i.e., doctor or nurse) Service provision is OFFSITE (i.e., in health post, in equipped vehicle, in non-MA clinic space) - not in MA clinic. Contraceptive clinical services provided (may also provide SRH non-contraceptive services or non-SRH services)

7 Associated Clinics Clinics belong to private individuals or organizations Not MA managed; no MA staff clinician MA has formal agreement to provide significant technical support, monitoring, quality of care, and oversight Contraceptives provided by MA to the associated clinic (which subsequently provides contraceptives to the client) Contraceptive clinical services are provided by Associated clinic staff, NOT by MA staff

8 MA-Managed Non-clinical Channels Community Based Distribution and Sales (CBD/CBS) MA Social Marketing Youth [proposed] All MA run programs or outlets that distribute MA contraceptives. Clinical services not provided through these outlets; some provide IEC services.

9 Community Based Distribution and Sales (CBD/CBS) Distribution or sales of MA contraceptives TO THE CLIENT (directly or indirectly) Contraceptives provided to client by promoter, supervisor or coordinator of community based distribution program Element of IEC provided by CBD promoter, supervisor, or coordinator May or may not have a post or physical space No clinical services provided

10 MA Social Marketing Program run by MA Social intention to increase access to contraceptives Non-clinical environment May be sustainability model for contraceptive distribution No IEC component MA contraceptives sold with reduced prices compared to commercial outlets Price permits recovery of procurement costs and distribution expenses of the product Social marketing distribution can NOT occur in retail or commercial facilities, pharmacies (exception: small community pharmacies with reduced prices, not for commercial purposes only)

11 Youth [proposed] Non-clinical channels that ONLY serve youth Only non-clinical services provided (i.e., contraceptive distribution, IEC) MA managed; operated by MA staff

12 Non-MA (external) Channels Commercial Marketing Private doctors/Doctor’s offices Government Other Agencies Distribute MA contraceptives. Not MA run; MA is not involved in service provision.

13 Commercial Marketing External commercial channels of distribution used to sell contraceptives at retail prices to the client or public Purpose is recovering cost and generating profit (to subsidize other MA SRH programs) Examples: drug stores, pharmacies, retail establishments Most IPPF products can NOT be sold through Commercial Marketing (exceptions: Roselle, Optinor) Products sold are specific commercial brands with supplier authorization

14 Private doctors/Doctor’s offices Private doctors or independent medical professionals who buy MA contraceptives and distribute them MA is not involved in provision of services

15 Government Public sector outlets (including MOH, Social Security, public hospitals, health posts) that buy MA contraceptives and distribute them Contraceptives provided by MA to the Government MA is not involved in provision of services

16 Other Agencies Other types of agencies not mentioned above (i.e., NGOs) that buy MA contraceptives and distribute them Contraceptives provided by MA to the Agency MA is not involved in provision of services

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