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This is a picture of a…… The word means……. What is this young gentlemen doing?

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Presentation on theme: "This is a picture of a…… The word means……. What is this young gentlemen doing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a picture of a…… The word means……

2 What is this young gentlemen doing?

3 Where do you think these train tracks are? Why are they part of this slide show for Judaism?

4 Where is this man and what is he doing? What Jewish group is this man a member of?

5 Describe what the gentleman is wearing and why.

6 What is this called?

7 Jewish people have this on their door frame. What is it called?

8 What does the word listed below mean?

9 What is this called? What does the word mean?

10 What is the building with the big gold dome called? What city is this?

11 What are they standing under?

12 What is he stepping on and why?

13 In between what years did this picture take place?

14 What is the name of the Jewish Bible?

15 Why was this built? Who had it built? When was it destroyed, Never to be rebuilt? What group ran this Building? What city was it in?

16 Recite the Shema

17 First king of the Jews was Judge me by my size, do you? Saul

18 The Jewish priestly party were the

19 For Jews, a week of intense mourning after the death of a family member…. Shiva

20 The Jewish prayer that is said when they get up and when they go to bed….. " שמע ישראל, האל הוא אלוהינו, האל הוא אחד " שמע ישראל ה The Shema

21 Known as “Pious cutthroats” they were Jews who were ready to be the army of the Messiah….

22 The group of Jews who revolted against Greek rule were called the …. Maccabees Which means….. Hammer

23 Jewish Monks who lived in the desert of Qumran and wrote the “Dead Sea” Scrolls

24 During World War II European Jews under Nazi rule were forced to live in Ghettos

25 The Jewish Day of Atonement… Yom Kippur

26 The three patriarchs of the Jewish faith are…. Abraham Isaac Jacob

27 God’s name is

28 God’s name means

29 In the time that it was written, this commandment stood for no kidnapping…. Thou shall not steal.

30 To celebrate Passover, Jews eat a meal called Seder

31 The most important HERO for the Jews is Moses because He freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. FREEDOM!!!!

32 The Sabbath starts Friday night when the sun goes down and ends Saturday when the sun goes down. Sundown, you better take care…

33 If you did not obey the Commandment, “Obey your Mother and Father”, they could Put you to death Sell you in to slavery

34 The Jews were in the desert for

35 Which ancient, Jewish party did not believe in a messiah It is sad, you see …they did not believe in a messiah.

36 What does the word, MESSIAH mean Anointed One or Chosen One

37 What does Abraham’s name mean Father of many

38 What three major Religions see Moses as the “father of their faith”? Judaism Christianity Islam

39 What Jewish religious party believed two messiahs would come?

40 What is another name for a Kippah? Yarmulke

41 This is Jerry….. What group of Jews do you believe he belongs to an Why?

42 What group of Jews are these two gentlemen? Orthodox How do I know they are not members of the Hasidic community? No curl where the sideburns are

43 I am pretty sure she is married. How do I know? What group of Jews would she be a member of?

44 What Jewish group do I know this Rabbi is not a part of? Orthodox

45 The word bat mitzvah means…. Daughter of the Commandment

46 The container that held the commandments was called….

47 Hatred towards Jews is known as

48 Jews living outside of Israel is called

49 How many commandments are there?

50 The story of the Jews leaving Egypt can be found in Exit + us Exodus

51 What is the name of the Jewish New Year? Rosh hashanah

52 Give two reasons why the Jews would think Saul did not stay in God’s favour. He died at the hand of a slave His sons did not become king after him. I have a bad feeling about this battle!

53 What was Jacob’s nickname? Israel Which means…..

54 How many sons did Jacob have?


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