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 Rise in Nativism (prejudice against foreign- born)  Rise in Isolationism (pull away from involvement in foreign affairs)

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2  Rise in Nativism (prejudice against foreign- born)  Rise in Isolationism (pull away from involvement in foreign affairs)

3  Fear of Communism  Communism- economic and political system where one party dominates and controls economy  In US  Red Scare- fear that Communism would spread to America  Communist Party formed- many workers joined

4  US Government (Palmer and J. Edgar Hoover)  Invade private homes and offices  Jail suspects without allowing them counsel  Deport foreign born Communists  Goal- hunt down and get rid of suspected Communists

5 US Attorney General Palmer After a Palmer Raid Palmer Raid Cartoon

6  Sacco and Vanzetti- two Italian born immigrants  Arrested and charged with robbery and murder  During trial- they provided alibis, evidence was circumstantial and judge made prejudicial remarks  Sacco and Vanzetti found guilty and put to death

7 Vanzetti and Sacco Protest rally after the case

8  Limits on Immigration  Quota system- set limits on how many people could enter US from each country  Emergency Quota Act of 1921  Limited European immigration  Prohibited Japanese immigration

9  1924- Klan membership reached 4.5 million  Klan beliefs  Keep blacks “in their place”  Destroy saloons  Oppose Unions  Drive Roman Catholics, Jews and foreign-born people from US Ad for a Klan lecture Ad for movie about the Klan- make $60 million

10  Strikes attributed to Communism- create a negative view of labor unions  Boston Police Strike- 1919 police strike over pay raise, strike put down and government a hero  Link workers to Communism  Steel Mill Strike- 1919 workers strike for shorter hours and better pay  Workers linked to Communism  Public views putting strike down as a good thing- prevent spread of Communism  Coal Miners Strike- 1920 mine workers want better pay, shorter hours  End with workers getting 27% pay raise but not shorter hours

11  1920-1924- “Return to Normalcy”  Return to Simpler Days before Progressive Movement  Milestones during Presidency  Kellogg-Briand Pact- Nations agree to renounce war as a policy (not very effective)  High tariffs- hurt US business  Inability to collect on war debts- Britain and France can’t pay debts due to tariff

12  Scandals of Harding  Promote many friends to government posts (Ohio Gang)  Corruption  Illegally sell government supplies to companies  Take bribes  Teapot Dome Scandal  Government owned land for oil reserves  Government officials leased land to companies owned by the same officials  Government officials received payments for the leased land  Found guilty of accepting bribes

13  President Calvin Coolidge (1924-1928)  Favor low taxes and laissez-faire attitude (little government involvement)  Results in rising wages and rising productivity  Favor high tariffs to protect American businesses

14  Automobile  Construction of Roads- Route 66 (movie Cars)  Construction of other industries (shops, motels, gas stations, shopping centers, etc)  Lead to urban sprawl  Cities grow out instead of up (rise of suburbs)- cars allow people to live further from city and still have access to city events  Airplanes  US Postal Service- begin in 1918  Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart- fly across the Atlantic Ocean  1927- Pan American Airways first passenger flights across Atlantic

15  Electrical Devices  Sewing machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, ovens, toasters  Make lives of housewives easier and give families more leisure time  Advertising  Slogans used to sell products  Use radio and new techniques (billboards, movies)

16  Gaps in prosperity  Farmers, iron and railroads not as prosperous and auto industry  Gap between wealthy and poor  Farmers overproduced (produce too much)- lead to price of food and crops going down (farmers in debt)  Buying on installment plans  Buying on credit- low down payment and make monthly payments until paid for  Many people could not afford what they bought and were overextending their credit  Beginning of credit cards and personal debt for overuse

17 Magazine Advertisement

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