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Expanding (3+1)-dimensional universe from a Lorentzian matrix model for superstring theory in (9+1)-dimensions Seminar at University of Tokyo, 2011.12.5.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding (3+1)-dimensional universe from a Lorentzian matrix model for superstring theory in (9+1)-dimensions Seminar at University of Tokyo, 2011.12.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding (3+1)-dimensional universe from a Lorentzian matrix model for superstring theory in (9+1)-dimensions Seminar at University of Tokyo, 2011.12.5 (Mon.) Jun Nishimura (KEK, Sokendai) Ref.) Kim-J.N.-Tsuchiya arXiv:1108.1540, to appear in PRL


3 Answers from a nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory in (9+1)-dimensions fundamental questions concerning our universe 1.Why (3+1)-dimensions ? 2.Why expanding ?

4 Previous works Euclideanized model with SO(10) sym. has been studied. SSB of SO(10) studied by Gaussian Expansion Method J.N.-Okubo-Sugino, JHEP1110(2011)135 free energy of SO(d) symmetric vacua (d=2,3,4,5,6,7) minimum at d=3 extent of space-time finite in all directions motivated us to reconsider the formulation Ishibashi-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (’96)

5 Our new proposal : regularize SO(9,1) Lorentzian symmetric model without Wick rotation Monte Carlo simulation 3 out of 9 spatial directions start to expand at some “critical time”

6 Comments on related works Quantum Cosmology with minisuperspace approx. Causal Dynamical Traingulation Matrix Cosmology Freedman-Gibbons-Schnabl (’05) Matrix Big Bang Craps-Sethi-Verlinde (’05) Emergent gravity Steinacker (’11), Yang (’10) Vilenkin (’82,’84), Hartle-Hawking (’83) Ambjorn-Jurkiewicz-Loll (’05) We expect that what we are doing is essentially a first-principle calculation of the unified theory including quantum gravity.

7 Plan of the talk 1.Introduction 2.Matrix model for superstrings 3.Matrix model with SO(9,1) symmetry 4.Monte Carlo results 5.Mechanism of the SSB 6.Removing the cutoffs 7.Summary and discussions


9 IKKT model matrix regularization of the Green-Schwarz worldsheet action in the Schild gauge interactions between D-branes string field theory from SD eqs. for Wilson loops Ishibashi-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (’96) proposed as a nonperturbative definition of type IIB superstring theory in 10 dim. Fukuma-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (’98) c.f.) Matrix Theory Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (’96)

10 10 D 4D4D 10 Hermitian matrices Derivation of low-energy effective theory branched-polymer-like system Aoki-Iso-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tada (’99) Explicit calculations by the Gaussian expansion method J.N.-Sugino (’02), J.N.-Okubo-Sugino, Kawai, Kawamoto, Kuroki, Matsuo, Shinohara, Aoyama, Shibusa,… Does our 4-dimensional space-time appear from 10-dimensions ?

11 Results of the Gaussian expansion method J.N.-Okubo-Sugino, JHEP1110(2011)135 Minimum of the free energy occurs at d=3 Extent of space-time finite in all directions SSB of SO(10) : interesting dynamical property of IKKT model, but we still seem to miss some important ingredient… extended directions shrunken directions


13 Matrix model with SO(9,1) symmetry raised and lowered by the metric Hermitian matrices Wick rotation Euclidean model with SO(10) symmetry

14 Partition function of the Lorentzian model connection to the worldsheet theory opposite sign ! Unlike the Euclidean model, the path integral is ill-defined ! c.f.) complex in the Euclidean model the phase factor induces SSB of SO(10) J.N.-Vernizzi (’00), Anagnostopoulos-J.N.(’02) Krauth-Nicolai-Staudacher (’98), Austing-Wheater (’01)

15 Regularizing the Lorentzian model In order to separate space and time, we “gauge fix” the boost invariance. (1) IR cutoff in the temporal direction SO(9) symmetry is still manifest.

16 Regularizing oscillating functions inserting unity convergence factor

17 Cure this divergence by imposing : (2) IR cutoff in the spatial direction

18 Thus we arrive at Yoneya ('97) Monte Carlo simulation : Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm no sign problem unlike in the Euclidean model


20 Extracting time evolution


22 “critical time” SSB


24 Consider a simpler problem : solution : representation matrices of a compact semi-simple Lie algebra with d generators Maximum is achieved for SU(2) algebra


26 (continuum limit) (infinite volume limit) The theory thus obtained has no parameters other than one scale paramter !

27 Clear large-N scaling behavior observed with (continuum limit)

28 The extent of time increases and the size of the universe becomes very large at later time. (infinite volume limit)


30 A new proposal for the nonperturbative formulation of type IIB superstring theory in ten dimensions. instead of making Wick rotation, we introduce the IR cutoffs for both temporal and spatial directions after “gauge fixing” the boost symmetry The two cutoffs can be removed in the large-N limit. The theory thus obtained has no parameters other than one scale parameter. Summary

31 Integrating over the scale factor first, we obtain a model without sign problem. c.f.) Monte Carlo studies of Euclidean model difficult due to sign problem Monte Carlo simulation revealed SSB of SO(9) down to SO(3) at some critical time. mechanism is totally different from that for the SSB in the Euclidean model the size of the 3d space increases with time Cosmological singularity is naturally avoided due to noncommutativity.

32 Crucial role played by SUSY c.f.) bosonic model no expansion and no SSB ! Complementary studies based on classical equations of motion A class of SO(3) symmetric solutions the time-dependence compatible with the expanding universe noncommutativity of space time : OK Kim-J.N.-Tsuchiya arXiv:1110.4803

33 Speculations time classical solution t cr Monte Carlo simulation SO(9)SO(3) size of the space space-space noncommutativity present time accelerating expansion space-time noncommutativity Space-space NC disappears for some dynamical reason. symmetry of space

34 We hope the Lorentzian matrix model provides a new perspective on particle physics beyond the standard model cosmological models for inflation, modified gravity, etc.. Future directions Does a local field theory on a commutative space-time appear at later time ? How do 4 fundamental interactions and the matter fields appear at later time ? Monte Carlo simulation AND Studies of classical solutions (+ quantum corrections)

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