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Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 ATIS and the OBF Informational Presentation prepared for the Public Utility Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 ATIS and the OBF Informational Presentation prepared for the Public Utility Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 ATIS and the OBF Informational Presentation prepared for the Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 Toni Haddix ATIS Staff Attorney

2 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 2 ATIS Today A member organization of global telecommunications companies with a U.S. and/or North American presence. Over 1,500 participants from 400+ companies. 17 industry standards committees and forums. ATIS’ members and participants represent a wide cross section of the communications industry.

3 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 3 ATIS Today ATIS Member Companies represent every segment of the industry: –Local Exchange Carriers –Wireless Carriers –Interexchange Carriers –Manufacturers –Resellers –Software Developers –Competitive and Local Exchange Carriers –Bandwidth and DSL Service Providers –Operations Support Systems Providers –Testing Laboratories –Internet Service Providers –Consulting Companies

4 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 4 New ATIS Mission ATIS is a United States based group that is committed to rapidly developing and promoting technical and operational standards for the communications and related information technologies industry worldwide using a pragmatic, flexible and open approach.

5 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 5 How ATIS Serves the Industry Assists in the timely resolution of national and international telecommunications issues. Initiates and maintains flexible, open industry forums and committees to address technical and operational issues. Serves as an information resource to members and the public at large. Promotes industry progress with minimal regulatory activity.

6 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 6 ATIS’ Roots Divestiture led to ECSA’s establishment in 1983. 1980s -- ECSA added committees/forums as the need arose. FCC refers technical and operations issues to ECSA, rather than address issues itself in many cases. 1990s -- ECSA expands membership to include IXCs, then later manufacturers, enhanced service providers, software developers, other sectors. Changes name to “ATIS.” Mid to Late ‘90s -- Boom economy and proliferation of standards consortia. ATIS committee participation grows, membership diversifies. Today -- Industry downturn. Standards body coordination, cost efficiencies, and stronger US industry voice now sought.

7 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 7 ATIS Is Changing Why is ATIS changing? –The ATIS Board is launching a new strategic direction for ATIS to meet the demands of the current environment in the industry. –There is a need for an approach which prioritizes the standards to be developed. October 30, 2002 – ATIS Board finalizes strategic planning activities. October – December, 2002 – Implementation with promotion of “New ATIS”.

8 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 8 The OBF The OBF is one of 17 ATIS Committees and Forums The OBF has Six Standing Committees: –Billing Committee –Interconnection Services Ordering & Provisioning –Local Services Ordering & Provisioning Directory Services Subcommittee –Message Processing Committee –SMS/800 Number Administration Committee –Subscription Committee And two on-going Workshops: –Wireless Workshop –DSL Standardization Workshop

9 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 9 OBF Mission Statement To provide a forum for representatives from the telecommunications industry to identify, discuss and resolve national issues which affect ordering, billing, provisioning, and exchange of information about access service, other connectivity and related matters.

10 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 10 OBF History Established in 1985 for ordering and billing of telecom access services. OBF has evolved as industry needs and priorities have changed. –Local competition, toll free issues, wireless and broadband interoperability included in mission and scope. Over 2100 issues have been resolved in OBF Committees. –Examples: Local Transport Restructure; Implementation of New Toll Free Codes; Meet Point Billing; DSL Loop Qualification. The OBF continues to evolve in order to identify and resolve issues associated with new technologies. –Example: Wireless Number Portability.

11 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 11 Current Issues Examples of Issues Currently Being Addressed in OBF Committees Include: –CLEC-to-CLEC Migration –Intercarrier Compensation Regime –Billing for IP Services –Industry Response to State and Federal “Slamming” Mandates –End User Listing Information –Toll-Free Number Administration –Wireless Number Portability

12 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 12 Strategic Initiatives in OBF Examples of OBF Strategic focus and activities: –Broadband Access DSL ordering; B2B cable; Network IP-VPN Services; Cable Television and Telephony –Mobile Communications Number Portability –New Media Broadband and Content Providers –Global Data Exchange Requirements Beyond North America –Continued commitment to standing committee issues and process enhancements

13 Presentation to Public Utility Commission of Texas October 24, 2002 13 Web Sites for Information For more information on ATIS: –http://www.atis.org For more information on OBF: –

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