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Tundra Danielle Hickman.

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Presentation on theme: "Tundra Danielle Hickman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tundra Danielle Hickman

2 What is a Tundra a vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen

3 Temperature

4 Annual Rainfall Between 6 to 10 inches That includes melted snow.

5 Vegetation Arctic moss Arctic willow Bearberry Caribou moss
Diamond – leaf willow Labrador tea Pasque flower Tufted saxifrage

6 Animals Polar bear Musk oxen Arctic fox Ermine Grizzly bear Snowy owl

7 Net Primary Production
Lowest of many ecosystems It is about 0.6% of worlds total

8 Location Very high latitude Above 61° north

9 Limiting Factors Temperature Nutrient availability Moisture levels

10 Human Impact Lichen is a food source for many animals and air pollution is creating smog clouds that contaminate the lichen. Oil rigs and the creation of roads through the tundra is destroying the habitat for the animals and plants that live there. If oil was to spill here it could many of the animals and plants causing near extinction for some.


12 Works Cited vironment/habitats/tundra-threats/ biome/tundra.html vironment/habitats/tundra-profile/

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