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EOC Review – Part III Photosynthesis; cellular respiration; Cell Cycle/Mitosis, Meiosis, Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis, Genetics, DNA/RNA, Protein.

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Presentation on theme: "EOC Review – Part III Photosynthesis; cellular respiration; Cell Cycle/Mitosis, Meiosis, Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis, Genetics, DNA/RNA, Protein."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOC Review – Part III Photosynthesis; cellular respiration; Cell Cycle/Mitosis, Meiosis, Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis, Genetics, DNA/RNA, Protein Synthesis (Transcription & Translation); mutations

2 Energy is needed for ______ cellular processes ______________(in plants) – takes place in the _________________ Trap the energy of the sun and convert to ____________ energy for use by the plant (and the animals that eat them) ________________ (in animals and plants) – occurs in the ____________– produces ATP to power cellular processes Energy Transformers Section 7.3 Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis all Chloroplasts chemical mitochondria

3 Autotrophs vs. Define: Give examples: Heterotrophs Define: Give examples: All animals Organisms that can make their own food Through photosynthesis Or Chemosynthesis Plants & algae (photosynthetic) Bacteria in deep sea vents (Chemosynthetic) Organisms that must eat To get energy

4 The General Equation: Photosynthesis Carbon Dioxide and Water are the ______________. Glucose and oxygen are the ___________________. ______________ and ___________ are required, but not used up or changed in the chemical reaction. Reactants  Products light 6CO 2 + 6H 2 0  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 chlorophyll Carbon Dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen lightchlorophyll products reactants

5 The General Equation: Cellular Respiration Reactants  Products C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 2  6H 2 0 + 6CO 2 Glucose and Oxygen are the ________________. Water and Carbon Dioxide are the _____________. Where did the glucose come from?____________ Carbon Dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen products reactants photosynthesis

6 The ______________currency of the cell. Produced during ______________________ a molecule that allows quick and easy access to _______________when needed by the cell’s organelles. A type of ________________ energy Releases energy when the chemical _________ between the phosphates are ____________. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Section 9.1 P P A P Cellular respiration energy chemical bonds broken

7 Cellular Respiration: The Big Picture (3 Stages) Glycolysis: break down _____________ Citric Acid Cycle: in _______ conditions (Krebs Cycle) Electron Transport Chain: produces 36 _____ Section 9.3 sugar ATP aerobic

8 Fermentation is a process that follows Glycolysis when ____________ is not present. Two types of fermentation ____________Fermentation (muscle cells) ____________Fermentation (Yeasts and other microbes) Fermentation oxygen Lactic Acid Alcoholic

9 Cellular Reproduction In Eukaryotes – _________________ In Prokaryotes – ________________ Cell Cycle Binary Fission

10 Prokaryote: Reproduction by __ ________ ___ Binary Fission

11 Eukaryotic – Cell Cycle grows activity DNA synthesis lifetime Sets of chromosomes preparation for mitosis G2 chromosomes copy Mitosis cytoplasm G1 cell 2

12 4 phases of Mitosis Prophase -____________________________________ Metaphase-____________________________________ Anaphase-____________________________________ Telophase-____________________________________ Cytokinesis – the division of the _________________ following mitosis. The M Phase of Cell Cycle is _________ & _____________ Used for ________ and INJURY _______ The M Phase of Cell Cycle is _________ & _____________ Used for ________ and INJURY _______ Mitosis cytokinesis repair growth duplicated chromosomes become visible Chromosomes line up in middle of cell Chromosomes split up and move to opposite sides of the cell Chromosomes reach opposite poles cytoplasm

13 ________ – a cell with a full # of chromosomes – ___________ cells _________ – Half the normal number of chromosomes All gametes are ________ That way when fertilization takes place, the zygote will be ________ (_______ chromosomes from mom ___ chromosomes from dad) ________ – a cell with a full # of chromosomes – ___________ cells _________ – Half the normal number of chromosomes All gametes are ________ That way when fertilization takes place, the zygote will be ________ (_______ chromosomes from mom ___ chromosomes from dad) How Many Chromosomes? Diploid somatic Haploid haploid diploid 1/2

14 Meiosis: formation of egg and sperm The random distribution of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called

15 Crossing-Over of Chromosomes Chapter 7 Occurs during meiosis I Parts of chromosomes are switched Results in ________ genetic combinations of alleles (genes) unique

16 ____________ – are found in the ______ of nearly every cell. Chromosomes are packed with _______. Segments of DNA _____________ ________ code for our physical body structure, our _______ and ______________. Chromosomes chromosomes nucleus DNA Form genes Genes traits characteristics

17 If an organism contains both a dominant and a recessive allele, the ___________trait will be expressed __________: The trait that is expressed when a homozygous dominant and a homozygous recessive are bred. (represented by a capital letter) ___________: The trait that is hidden by the dominant trait when a homozygous dominant and a homozygous recessive are bred. (Represented by a lowercase letter) The Rule of Dominance TT tt Tt dominant Dominant Recessive

18 Law of Segregation _____________________________ _____________________________ States that two alleles for a trait separate when gametes are formed. Law of Independent Assortment _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ States that the alleles of different genes separate Independently of each other when gametes form.

19 Each organism has _____ factors that control each trait These factors are called __________ and are found on the chromosomes and have alternate forms The different gene forms that control one trait are called ____________ The Rule of Factors two genes alleles

20 __________: two of same alleles in the gene pair alleles ___________: Different alleles in the gene pair Essential Genetics Vocabulary Tall TT or Tt Short tt ____________: physical expression of an organism genes ___________: actual gene pair inherited by an organism Homozygous Heterozygous Phenotype Genotype

21 ______ = Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA is the blueprint of all living organisms. DNA determines all the _______ expressed in an organism: how tall, what color, what sex, etc… What is DNA? DNA traits

22 DNA controls the organism through the production of __________. Proteins in the form of __________ are responsible for all functions of life. Walking, eating, blood clotting, thinking, and anything else that the organism does is affected by proteins DNA & is the code for Building Proteins DNA & is the code for Building Proteins enzymes proteins

23 Published an article detailing the __________ of DNA _____________ structure with specific pairing. Watson and Crick Photo: Marjorie McCarty structure Double Helix

24 DNA is a polymer made of repeating subunits called __________. Nucleotides have three types of subunits: A Simple Sugar - ______________ A __________ Group A ___________ Base The Structure of DNA nucleotides deoxyribose Phosphate NItrogen

25 Replication of DNA Base Pair Bonding Adenine bonds with ___________ ________ with Cytosine Replication of DNA Base Pair Bonding Adenine bonds with ___________ ________ with Cytosine To crack the genetic code found in DNA we need to look at the ________ of bases. The bases are arranged in triplets (groups of three bases )called _________. A G G - C T C - A A G - T C C - T A G _____________________________ Thymine Guanine sequence codons T C C - G A G - T T C - A G G - A T C

26 DNA Replication Step 1 – DNA molecule _________ Step 3 – The DNA ________, an enzyme, ______ the molecule by breaking the ___________ bond between the bases. Step 3 – The enzyme DNA ___________ brings in new __________ to each of the exposed sides of the split DNA molecule and rebuilds each strand. Occurs in nucleus during the _________of the cell cycle unwinds Helicase hydrogen unzips nucleotides Polymerase S - phase

27 Courtesy of: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) by artist Darryl Leja DNA versus RNA RNA ______ stranded; base ______ Used in _________ Synthesis DNA _______ stranded; base _________ And codes for ________ singleuracil protein thymine double proteins

28 There are three types of RNA __________ RNA (mRNA): brings “DNA message” from the nucleus to the _________in the cytoplasm Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): Helps ribosomes connect to mRNA __________ RNA (tRNA): brings the ____________ to the ribosomes RNA Messenger ribosome Transfer amino acids

29 Transcription is when m RNA comes into the ________ and copies of a portion of _____. mRNA carries this code to the ________ where it will be translated into a protein. Transcription nucleus ribosome DNA

30 Once the mRNA brings the DNA Code to the ribosome, the DNA message must be ____________ to build a __________. So ___________ is the process of turning the DNA message carried by the mRNA into a ___________. Translation takes place in the __________. Translation translated protein translation protein ribosome

31 Any ________ in the DNA sequence Mutations are only passed on if they occur in the ___________. What are Mutations? gametes change

32 Some mutations occur during replication (gene mutation) or during mitosis (a chromosomal mutation). These are said to be Spontaneous. These are said to be Spontaneous. Some mutations are caused by factors in the environment. Mutagens are the factors in the environment that cause mutations. Chemicals (asbestos, benzene, cyanide, etc) High Energy Radiation Causes of mutations

33 Cells have enzymes that proofread the genetic code and correct the mistakes that are found. The greater the exposure of the enzymes to a mutagen, the more likely the chance that a mistake will be made. Repairing DNA

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