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THE INCA Tahuantinsuyu Empire (Land of the Four Quarters)

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1 THE INCA Tahuantinsuyu Empire (Land of the Four Quarters)







8 THE TIAHUANACO AND HUARI SPLIT Legacies: Tiahuanaco: Huari: near Lake Titicaca in Bolivianear Ayacucho Built terraced agriculturebecame very war- like trade with Chiledeveloped separate identity herds of llamasroad construction hereditary elite controlled labor for military strategy highly stratified societycommunication system



11 The Inca empire developed in the 14 th and 15 th centuries Spanned 2500 miles, Columbia to Chile, from the east to west – the dry coastal desert called Atacama to the Amazonian rainforest It was the largest nation on earth at the height of its existence, and remains the largest native state in the western hemisphere Capital city in Cuzco with 10 million subjects The richest city in the west –silver and gold Hereditary lords ruled the empire Basic social unit was an Ayullu Common ancestors gave ayllus their ethnic identity Karacas ruled over local ayllus and claimed close kinship ties to important dieties and ancestors who acted as intermediaries between heaven and earth interceding with supernatural forces. M’ita – forced labor based on community compulsory needs

12 The Incas believed their were the children of the sun, Inti.

13 VIRACOCHA Inca creator god who originated from Lake Titicaca


15 ETHNICITIES Quechua (the lingua franca) Aymara

16 Khipus

17 DEATH Viewed death in two ways: 1.Biological -body was cremated, buried or mummified 2.Ancestor veneration -heroic figures gave the Inca their identity

18 Had an ancestorial foundation of the empire: burial chambers called Huacas

19 PANACAS THE ROYAL DESCENDENTS WHO SERVED THE MUMMIES Inca rulers were extremely powerful Veneration of rulers did not end with their death – they were mummified and displayed during public rituals so their legends would be retained as a living presence Conserve the mummy Immortalize his life, generation to generation Had lavish tombs with women sculpted in gold, textiles


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