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Interested in the Print Management Market? – What Next Andrew Talbot Industry Software Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Interested in the Print Management Market? – What Next Andrew Talbot Industry Software Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interested in the Print Management Market? – What Next Andrew Talbot Industry Software Ltd

2 Why we think it is ideal for you? You already have the infrastructure & skills All your customers will be buying print You can become a ‘onestop’ shop Many print brokers doing in ‘reverse’ We can provide you with all the tools you need to become a print broker / manager There is very little capital cost in ‘trying’ the market

3 What Print Buyers want Cost savings Technology Driven Solution Reputation and track record of success Professional approach and outlook To deal with profitable and solvent companies Knowledgeable about the industry Plausible account strategy No unrealistic promises Access to better industry knowledge than them Decent understanding of your organisation

4 What tools do I need Knowledge of printers strengths & weaknesses Ability to manage brokerage process Online stock management Online proofing Artwork skills Industry Knowledge

5 What we can offer Software system that makes sure you ask all the right questions Software pre-populated and updated with details of trade printers & their strengths / weaknesses Practical advice via IPIA & inhouse training Very low capital cost as software paid for on a monthly license

6 Taking an enquiry – made easy

7 Selecting the Printers for you By MachineBy Speciality

8 Choosing the best prices

9 Managing the Order Process

10 How can I get started? Start talking to your existing clients Build relationships with printers Set up your enquiry management system Do you need an online presence? Sign up for a FREE 30 day trial of Transaction PRINT

11 The Right Business Model Low overhead harness technology Promote online to your clients Sell to existing clients to offer a total marketing services solution No stock investment needed

12 Interested? Visit our demonstration area outside in the IPIA Pavillion Try your free 30 day trial in your entry pack Visit Attend our next full training course – being held in Sheffield on XXXXXX Join Come and discuss your requirements now Copy slides available

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