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Chapter 17 Earth’s Interior and Geophysical Properties

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1 Chapter 17 Earth’s Interior and Geophysical Properties
Photo credit: NASA Apollo 17

2 Evidence from Seismic Waves
Earth’s Internal Structure The Crust The Mantle The Core

3 Seismic Reflection Controlled by: Snell’s Law Elastic properties
of the layers

4 Seismic Refraction Ray paths are “bent” across velocity or seismic
discontinuities. Bend away from boundary normal if V2 > V1 Bend toward if V1 > V2 V1 V2

5 Ray Paths and Snell’s Law
V1 V2 In this example, V2 > V1 Modified from: Brown & Mussett, 1981

6 Seismic Ray Paths Animation

7 Locating Boundaries By Refraction

8 Radial Distribution of Ray Paths
Rays curve upward because of generally increasing velocity with depth Vp and Vs

9 Internal Earth Structure from Seismology
Crust: 0-60 km Mantle: km Core: km

10 Seismic Moho and LVZ

11 Summary Crustal Properties

12 Mantle Tomography Blue = Fast (cold) Red = Slow (hot)

13 Deep Earth Velocity Structure
NB that velocity is measured from earthquake waves, but density must Be inferred from inversion of the velocity combined with elastic modulii

14 P wave Shadow Zone

15 S wave Shadow Zone

16 Pallisite Meteorites - Rocks from a CMB?
Olivine Non-seismological evidence of core - mantle exchange! Fe-Ni Metal Alloy Pallisite meteorites are classified as stoney-irons and are thought to be derived from the CMB region of an asteroidal parent body.

17 D ‘’ Layer in Lower Mantle
From: Garnero, E.J., Ann. Rev. Earth Planetary Sci., 28 , , 2000.

18 Isostasy and Gravity Isostasy is the gravitational equilibrium of bodies of different density. Isostatically compensated uplift zones are stabilized by low density roots. Isostatic re-adjustment can be caused by many different processes.

19 Isostasy Low density High density
Compensation depth is arbitrary and selected for convenience. Total column mass (or gravitational acceleration) must be equal.

20 Isostatic Adjustment: Erosion Animation

21 Isostatic Readjustment: Erosion

22 Post-glacial Crustal Rebound

23 Polar Glaciers Melting Animation

24 Post-glacial Rebound Animation

25 Isostatic Uplift due to Crustal Thickening
NB that uplift would depend on the amount and density of accumulated magma accreted to the base of the crust.

26 Gravitational Attraction

27 Gravity Meter’s Response to Density Variations
high gravity low High density Low density Local gravity high can be related to a high density body within the crust, while a gravity low can be related to a lower than average density.

28 Gravity Profile in Isostatic Equilibrium

29 Non-isostatically Compensated Profile

30 Negative Gravity Anomaly

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