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The Next Step in Colonies

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Presentation on theme: "The Next Step in Colonies"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Next Step in Colonies
Geography, Economy, Social Life, Political/Civic Life

2 Geography and Climate New England
Appalachian Highlands Boston Harbor Hilly terrain, rocky soil Moderate summers, cold winters

3 Economy New England Fishing Built ships Trade Skilled craftsmen

4 Social Life New England
Village and church as center of life Religious reformers (changers) Separatists

5 Political and Civic Life New England
Town Meetings- everyone came together to decide what is best for the town.

6 Geography and Climate Mid-Atlantic
Appalachian Highlands Coastal Lowlands Rich Farmlands Moderate Climate

7 Economy Mid-Atlantic Livestock and Grain (trade)
Unskilled/skilled workers and fisherman

8 Social Life Mid-Atlantic
Villages and Cities Different Lifestyles Diverse Religions

9 Political and Civic Life Mid-Atlantic
Market Town

10 Geography and Climate South
Appalachian Highlands Good Harbors Rivers Humid climate

11 Economy South Large Farms (plantations) Cash Crops Slavery

12 Social Life South Slavery Mansions Indentured servants Few cities
Few schools Church of England

13 Political and Civic Life South
Counties-scattered pieces of land

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