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Integrated Process Capability Analysis Model (IPCAM) for a Product with Multiple Quality Characteristics 報告人 : 游崑慈.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Process Capability Analysis Model (IPCAM) for a Product with Multiple Quality Characteristics 報告人 : 游崑慈."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Process Capability Analysis Model (IPCAM) for a Product with Multiple Quality Characteristics 報告人 : 游崑慈

2 1.Supply chain management 2.Process capability indices 3.Taguchi loss function 4.Process yield & Six-sigma 5.IPCAM 6.Future applications Outlines

3 Supply chain management Manufacturing Distribution Supplier INFORMATION FLOW Retail OutletConsumer CASH FLOW Transfer

4 LSL USL Process distribution m d LSL USL Process distribution m d 製造業通常透過統計製程管制 (SPC) 來監控與改善產品品質,使製程變異降 低進而達到穩定狀態,當製程穩定後,品管工程師想進一步了解產品符合規 格的能力,或出現不良品的比率有多少?

5 Nominal-the-best Process Capability Index 製程能力指標 (PCI) 便是用來衡量製程符合規格的能力,與結合製 程參數與製程規格 (LSL , T , USL) 的函數,能夠表示製程中心偏移 與製程變異程度,因此常被用來評估供應商是否有能力製作出符合 產品規格的一種量數,並作為購買契約上買賣雙方對品質要求的依 據以及工廠內部持續改善品質的參考。 LSL USL Process distribution m d T Yield%  2Φ(3C pm ) - 1

6 Taguchi loss function LSL USL T U.S.A Japan Loss function

7 Smaller-the-better Process Capability Index C pu = Quality characteristics : roughness, noise, waiting time, thickness. Yield% =  (3 C pu )  2  (3 C pu ) - 1 μBμB

8 Larger -the-better Process Capability Index C pl = Quality characteristics : Life-span 、 hardness 、 pulling force 、 resolution. Yield% =  (3C pl ) 2  (3C pl ) – 1

9 Process Yield %Yield = 2Φ(3C pu ) – 1 %Yield = 2Φ(3C pl ) – 1 %Yield  2Φ(3C pm ) - 1 PCI ↗  process yield ↗ process loss ↘

10 假設品質特性符合 Normal distribution T=100U=112L=88 若 則稱此製程具有 6-sigma quality level 。 Six Sigma

11 Six-sigma process concept Normal distribution centered Spec. Limit Percent Defective PPM 68.27 317300 95.45 45500 99.73 2700 99.9937 63 99.999943 0.57 99.9999998 0.002 99.73% 8

12 Integrated Process Capability Analysis Model (IPCAM)

13 Estimations One -side capability indices (UMVUE) i  {u, l } is distributed as, where

14 C pl : represent axes X (larger-the-better) C pu : represent axes Y (smaller-the-better) C pm : represent XY plane (nominal-the-best)

15 Two-side capability index Estimations It is a more complicated distribution, we often used the mathematical software to do numerical Analysis.

16 Hypothesis test for one-side quality specification where i  {u, l}. The critical regions are C S = { |  S 0 } and the critical value S 0 is determined by Pr (  s 0 | C pi  ) = H 0 : C pi  H 1 : C pi .

17 Hypothesis test for two-side quality specification H 0 : C pm  H 1 : C pm  Pr (  m 0 | C pm  ) =

18 IPCAM (sampling inspection)

19 Item  LSLTUSL S 0 m 0 A0.7000.010.651.6670.3841.899 B0.5980.0090.551.7780.3911.899 C11502010002.500.4331.899 D6912.16801.7461.899 E1.050.130122.4362.6922.3931.911 F-0.0080.07-0.500.52.4192.3432.3661.911 G2475282300250027002.6792.0831.7761.911 H63.41.215563712.0942.3142.0921.911 I0.661.1-6061.6182.0181.5591.911

20 S 0 =1.899 m 0 =1.911

21 Future Applications Technical education quality management model Medical service quality control Human resources management

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