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TEAM DEVELOPMENT/ TEAM BUILDING Steven Hansen, PE Director of Public Works - Liberty, MO KC Public Works Institute April 7, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM DEVELOPMENT/ TEAM BUILDING Steven Hansen, PE Director of Public Works - Liberty, MO KC Public Works Institute April 7, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM DEVELOPMENT/ TEAM BUILDING Steven Hansen, PE Director of Public Works - Liberty, MO KC Public Works Institute April 7, 2015

2 What is a team? “A team is a group of people with complementary skills committed to achieve a common goal.”

3 Breaking it down Number of people 6-12 is usually considered manageable

4 Complementary Skills Each member possesses particular skills or talents Blended these skills & talents improve the capability of the team In high performing teams, members can perform each other’s job

5 Common Purpose Teams work on particular projects, tasks or types of work Committees are not necessarily teams Most effective teams have a written charter outlining a clear goal, purpose and mission

6 Common Approach Putting people in a work environment does not result in an effective & productive team The most productive teams follow a standardized methodology for problem solving, improving a process or designing a new service/product Initially teams require extensive training, mentoring and coaching

7 Building a Team with PRIDE Provide a positive working environment Recognize, reward, reinforce the right behavior Involve everyone Develop skills and potential Evaluate and measure continuously

8 Your challenge Identify your biggest challenge in getting the most out of your team and share with the group Divide into 5 groups – one for each letter of PRIDE Using one of the identified challenges, talk about what your agency does to address the aspect of team building assigned to your group (P, R, I, D or E) Mix with representatives of other agencies, not just your coworkers Share the ideas discussed in your group with everyone

9 Case Studies Stay in same five groups Read case studies and discuss approaches to developing a team in each situation Share discussion with entire group Discuss as many as time allows

10 Final comments or questions?

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