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1 OPTIMA PROJECT Third Management Board Meeting, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, May 18/20, 2006 Tunisia case study By Ahmed EZZINE.

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Presentation on theme: "1 OPTIMA PROJECT Third Management Board Meeting, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, May 18/20, 2006 Tunisia case study By Ahmed EZZINE."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 OPTIMA PROJECT Third Management Board Meeting, Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, May 18/20, 2006 Tunisia case study By Ahmed EZZINE


3 3 METHODOLOGY Primary data Collection Analysis and data Processing Geographic Information Conception WaterWare system Bibliography Satellite map, maps (topo,soil…) Hydrogeologic data Socio-economic data Meteorological data IMPLEMENTATION OF RRM & WRM

4 4 Case Study Water use  Domestic  Industry  Agriculture Increase Melian basin Area = 553Km² Population = 481 960 inhabitants 4 subcatchments Dense Drainage network Aquifer Lithology = plio-quaternary Groundwater storage = 27.31 MCM/ year Exploitation = 28.1 MCM / year Nbre of Bore hole = 494 State = overexploitated Noeuds Barrages: El H’ma 26 mountains lakes 2500 wells Case study: Melian basin, TUNISIA

5 5 Input of WaterWare 2 land use maps PRODUCTS / REALIZATION A geographic database 40 vector layers 6 raster data Hydrogeologic, Hydrologic and Climatologic database in order to determine the: Hydrological characteristics Hydrogeological characteristics

6 6 Geographic database Thematic map Soil map Hydrographic map Topographic map Geologic map Soil Type Contour line, road network Railway, bench mark… Lithology, tectonic Corine land cover Aerial photos 2000 Spot image 1988 Land use map (1988 & 2000)

7 7 Hydrologic study of the catchment areas 622-700m 545-622m 467-545m 389-467m 311-389m 155-233m 233-311m 77-155m 0-77m Hydrography Elevation Digital Elevation Model of the drainage basin of Melian Catchment geometry Catchment relief Drainage network Water inflow in the catchments

8 8 The methodology of the cartographic edition Land Use map Natural areas Arable land Permanent crops Pastures Heterogeneous agricultural Spot XS Agricultural areas environment Artificial Surface environment Urban fabric Industrial, commercial area Dump and mine Forest Water bodies Photo-interpretation and classification LAND USE MAP Aerial photography Corine land cover legend

9 9 Land use map (1988)

10 10 Land use map (2000)

11 11 No change Change Land Use Change

12 12 Statistical Land Use Change Classesarea1988(m²)area2000(m²)LUC /total (%) Artificial Surface 24341863497739064,60 Agricultural Area 443249606389291651-9,76 Forest and Semi-natural area 75481979985228004,17 Water Bodies 9838978152524110,98 ClassesCode 1988200019882000 area(m²) % area Artificial Surface 11: Urban fabric21293116234222923,794,12 12: Industrial, commercial and transport units 999699209379250,183,68 13: Mine, dump and construction sites204904854136890,370,95 Agricultural Area 21: Arable land510320131551730,092,31 22: Permanent crops43599993236413474677,764,07 23: Pastures0311456800,55 24: Heterogeneous agricultural areas673935388871651,21,56 Forest and natural area 31: Forest42495422414235707,577,29 32: Herbaceous vegetation association32890461568130025,8610 33: Open spaces with little or no vegetation 960962862280,020,05 Water Bodies 51: Inland waters8033936147974471,432,6 52: Marine waters18050424549630,320,08

13 13 Index of Areas changes

14 14 Hydrogeologic Information System(HIS) Hydrogeologic Information System Hydrologic dataHydrogeologic data Environmental dataMeteorological data  Management of the catchments area  Management of the regions  Determination of the hydrologic characteristics  Calculate the inflow Water in each Catchment  Characteristics of 2460 Well  Dams and lakes characteristics  Climat data: Temperature Rainfall Wind Evaporation  Treatment station plant Generality of STEP Affluents STEP Effluents STEP  Hydrogeologic characteristics of the Groundwater

15 15 Hydrologic data Hydrogeologic data Meteorological data Environmental data GIS data Main interface of the HIS

16 16 Interest of the Hydrogeologic Information System  A Data Bank with a maximum of data about region’s feature (hydrological, hydrogeological, environmental, meteorological, soil, GIS data…)  Regroup and organize data in the same frame. The scatting of the hydrogeological data about the catchment area will be a hurdle behind researches  Update will be very easy since data will be centralized  Simulation of water inflow in the catchment  Conception allowing making additions of new frames and modules  We can manage a SHP files without using ArcView



19 19 Implementation of RRM model

20 20 Parameters of RRM model

21 21 Elevation distribution (area/elevation)

22 22 Land use distribution

23 23 Results of RRM

24 24 Results of RRM

25 25 Results of RRM


27 27 Water nodes  Dams: name, coordinates, sector, year of construction, storage capacity, irrigated area, inflow water, name of catchment…  Collection of historic data related to observation wells in the groundwater  Mountains Lakes: name, coordinates, realization year, name of catchment, area of the catchment, storage capacity, delegation…  Observation well: name, coordinates, year, dry residue, standing water level…  Collection of 2500 wells built in the case study: complete information is available concerning: wells depth, diameter, usage, exploitation, equipment, standing water level, dry residue…  Collection of hydrologic, hydrogeologic and meteorologic data

28 28 WaterWare nodes chart

29 29 Melian basin Rmel basin Melah basin Hma basin Hma reservoir TP Tourristic Domestic Industry Medgerda Canal Irrigation Groundwater Sea Topologic model Demand node Start node End node Treatment node Reservoir node

30 30 Implementation of WRM model

31 31 Reservoir node

32 32 Irrigation node

33 33 Diversion node

34 34 Results of WRM

35 35 Results of WRM

36 36 Planned Work Identification and analysis of indicators (physical & economic) and investigation of water quality related impacts Dissemination of experience and results on the local and international scales. Refinement and updating of GIS data base Refinement and updating of GIS data base Try to run the WRM model with new time series collected from stakholders Try to run the WRM model with new time series collected from stakholders Optimisation scenarios Optimisation scenarios WP04 Water Technologies WP04 Water Technologies

37 37 CONCLUSIONS  Geographic database  40 layers SHP and 6 raster data  Two Land use map (1988 & 2000)  Land Use Change map  Hydrogeological database  Information about 2460 wells (depht, standing water level, salinity,…)  Information about the groundwater (phreatic and profond)  Information about nodes:  Lake, dam…  Observation well, bore hole…  Vectors layers and raster data technical report  Hydrological technical report  Determination of the inputs user in WaterWare Realized works:

38 38  Implementation of RRM and WRM model  GIS data sent to NCRS  Topologic model of the basin has been identified  Establish the Stakholders database Realized works:  Stakeholders Workshop


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