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The Meson Test Beam Facility Erik Ramberg LRP Meeting – Oct. 30,2003 Delivering MI beam to MTBF User area layout Operational characteristics Detectors.

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Presentation on theme: "The Meson Test Beam Facility Erik Ramberg LRP Meeting – Oct. 30,2003 Delivering MI beam to MTBF User area layout Operational characteristics Detectors."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Meson Test Beam Facility Erik Ramberg LRP Meeting – Oct. 30,2003 Delivering MI beam to MTBF User area layout Operational characteristics Detectors Current test beam MOU’s

2 Web page for MTBF:, or Fermilab-at-Work  MTBF

3 F17 A0 P3 beamline Transfer Hall Enclosure B Hall C SY120 Project: - Delivering MI Beam to Meson Detector Building - 2.5 km extraction beamline (longest in world?) -~40 magnets replaced in left bends in Hall C



6 Operational Characteristics There are two operational modes: Proton Mode: We tune all bend magnets for 120 GeV. To reduce flux in user areas, we have to turn off focusing quadrupoles and insert pinhole collimator. Rates will be on the order of 700 kHz. Secondary, or ‘Pion’ Mode: We will vary the tune of the bend magnets according to momentum needed. Quads will be in focusing mode and pinhole collimator will be out. Maximum momentum will be 80 GeV, with rates on the order of 50 kHz.. Lowest momentum tune is on the order of 3-5 GeV. Beamline has secondary targets and sweepers to tune for electrons, but lore indicates that better electron flux can be obtained by just tuning for low momentum and using particle i.d. Beamstop between MT6A and MT6B can filter for muons in the second user area. An upstream beam stop can be used to select for muons in both areas. Spot sizes can probably be made as small as 3-5 mm square and as large as 5 cm square.

7 (HV tripped off) Chamber at back of MT6B SWIC profiles while delivering beam to RICE experiment T926

8 Predicted rates in MT6 as a function of momentum for pions and protons

9 Duty Factor in SY120 Program planning has determined that SY120 operations will affect pbar production by less than 5% Start off with 700 msec slow spill every minute But ramps will be set so that pbar extraction and resonant extraction can coexist in a single spill: MI cycle time 2.78 sec / Total 3.25 sec 700 ms spill Pbar extraction

10 MI cycle time for pbar stacking time $29 cycles in 60 sec. 2.4 s 2.2 s pbar stack size 3 s

11 Facility Detectors Two beamline threshold Cerenkov counters can be operated independently for good particle i.d. (50’ and 80’ long) Two stations of X,Y silicon strip detectors are installed. Three 0.5 mm pitch MWPC into DAQ Three 1.0 mm pitch MWPC into the accelerator ACNET control system. DAQ will be minimum bias triggered during the spill. The data from scintillators, Cerenkov counters, silicon and MWPC go into event buffers. Buffers are read out during and after the spill and this data will be accessible to experimenters.



14 One of the two beamline Cerenkov counters One of three MWPC stations Remote controlled scintillator finger counters Silicon trackers

15 T926: Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment T927: BTeV Pixel Test

16 Experiments planned : CKM Straws+Cerenkov (Spring, 2004) Linear Collider detectors (2004-5?) DONUT emulsion stack test (?) Off-axis neutrino detectors (?) … many other verbal contacts List of MTBF Memoranda of Understanding (MOU): T926: RICET926: RICE Signed T927: BTeV PixelT927: BTeV Pixel Signed T930: BTeV StrawT930: BTeV Straw Signed T931: BTeV MuonT931: BTeV Muon Signed T932: Diamond DetectorT932: Diamond Detector Signed T933: BTeV ECALT933: BTeV ECAL In review by coordinator T935: BTeV RICH Signed T936: US/CMS Pixel Being rewritten

17 Status & Future Both operational modes for the Meson Test Beam Facility have been successfully run with fast extracted beam T926 (RICE) will continue their experiment with fast extraction. At the same time, we will attempt to get slow resonant extraction working for T927 (BTeV Pixel) Installation of several other experiments are planned in Dec., Jan. Feb. Tracking, particle I.D. and DAQ will be used to characterize test beam Eventually, we should concentrate on improving electron production

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